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#define INCL_KBD
typedef struct _KBDKEYINFO {    /* kbci */
    UCHAR  chChar;
    UCHAR  chScan;
    UCHAR  fbStatus;
    UCHAR  bNlsShift;
    USHORT fsState;
    ULONG  time;
The KBDKEYINFO structure contains information about the last key pressed.
Field      Description
chChar     Specifies the character derived from translation of the chScan
chScan     Specifies the scan code received from the keyboard, identifying
           the key pressed. This scan code may be modified during the
           translation process.
fbStatus   Specifies the state of the retrieved scan code. It can be any
           combination of the following values:
           Value                      Meaning
           KBDTRF_SHIFT_KEY_IN        Shift key is received (valid only in
                                      binary mode when shift reporting is
                                      turned on).
           KBDTRF_CONVERSION_REQUEST  Conversion requested.
           KBDTRF_FINAL_CHAR_IN       Final character received.
           KBDTRF_INTERIM_CHAR_IN     Interim character received.
           KBDTRF_EXTENDED_CODE       The scan code is an extended code, not
                                      a character.
bNlsShift  Specifies a reserved value; must be zero.
fsState    Specifies the state of the shift keys. It can be any combination
           of the following values:
           Value                 Meaning
           KBDSTF_RIGHTSHIFT     Right SHIFT key down.
           KBDSTF_LEFTSHIFT      Left SHIFT key down.
           KBDSTF_CONTROL        Either CTRL key down.
           KBDSTF_ALT            Either ALT key down.
           KBDSTF_SCROLLLOCK_ON  SCROLL LOCK mode turned on.
           KBDSTF_NUMLOCK_ON     NUMLOCK mode turned on.
           KBDSTF_CAPSLOCK_ON    CAPSLOCK mode turned on.
           KBDSTF_INSERT_ON      INS key turned on.
           KBDSTF_LEFTCONTROL    Left CTRL key down.
           KBDSTF_LEFTALT        Left ALT key down.
           KBDSTF_RIGHTCONTROL   Right CTRL key down.
           KBDSTF_RIGHTALT       Right ALT key down.
           KBDSTF_SCROLLLOCK     SCROLL LOCK key down.
           KBDSTF_NUMLOCK        NUMLOCK key down.
           KBDSTF_CAPSLOCK       CAPSLOCK key down.
           KBDSTF_SYSREQ         SYSREQ key down.
time       Specifies the time stamp of the keystroke (in milliseconds).
See Also
KbdCharIn, KbdPeek, KBD_PEEKCHAR