msos2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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typedef struct _MATRIXLF {    /* matlf */
    FIXED fxM11;
    FIXED fxM12;
    LONG  lM13;
    FIXED fxM21;
    FIXED fxM22;
    LONG  lM23;
    LONG  lM31;
    LONG  lM32;
    LONG  lM33;
The MATRIXLF structure contains the scaling, translation, rotation, shear,
and reflection transformation values that MS OS/2 uses when your application
calls one of the transformation functions.
If the matrix contains scaling transformation values, the following fields
are set:
Field  Description
fxM11  Specifies the horizontal scaling value.
fxM22  Specifies the vertical scaling value.
If the matrix contains translation transformation values, the following
fields are set:
Field  Description
lM31   Specifies the horizontal translation value.
lM32   Specifies the vertical translation value.
If the matrix contains rotation transformation values, the following fields
are set:
Field  Description
fxM11  Specifies the cosine of the angle of rotation.
fxM12  Specifies the negative sine of the angle of rotation.
fxM21  Specifies the sine of the angle of rotation.
fxM22  Specifies the cosine of the angle of rotation.
If the matrix contains vertical-shear transformation values, the following
fields are set:
Field  Description
fxM21  Specifies the horizontal shear value.
fxM22  Specifies the vertical shear value.
If the matrix contains horizontal-shear transformation values, the following
fields are set:
Field  Description
fxM11  Specifies the horizontal-shear value.
fxM12  Specifies the vertical-shear value.
If the matrix contains reflection values, the following fields are set:
Field  Description
fxM11  Specifies the vertical-reflection value. (This value is always
       negative. It causes reflection about the x-axis.)
fxM22  Specifies the horizontal-reflection value. (This value is always
       negative. It causes reflection about the y-axis.)
See Also
GpiCallSegmentMatrix, GpiQueryDefaultViewMatrix,
GpiQueryModelTransformMatrix, GpiQuerySegmentTransformMatrix,
GpiQueryViewingTransformMatrix, GpiSetDefaultViewMatrix,
GpiSetModelTransformMatrix, GpiSetSegmentTransformMatrix,