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typedef struct _MENUITEM {    /* mi */
    SHORT  iPosition;
    USHORT afStyle;
    USHORT afAttribute;
    USHORT id;
    HWND   hwndSubMenu;
    ULONG  hItem;
The MENUITEM structure contains information about a menu item.
Field        Description
iPosition    Specifies the ordinal position of the item within its menu
             window. If the item is part of a submenu, iPosition gives its
             relative top-to-bottom and left-to-right position, with zero
             being the upper left item.
afStyle      Specifies the style bits of the item.
afAttribute  Specifies the attribute bits of the item.
id           Specifies the menu identifier.
hwndSubMenu  Identifies the window of the menu window if the item is a
             submenu item. Command items contain NULL in the field.
hItem        Identifies the display object for the item. If the afStyle
             field has the MIS_TEXT style bit set, the hItem field is NULL.
See Also