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The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
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#define INCL_VIO
typedef struct _VIOCOLORREG {    /* viocreg */
    USHORT  cb;
    USHORT  type;
    USHORT  firstcolorreg;
    USHORT  numcolorregs;
    PCH     colorregaddr;
The VIOCOLORREG structure contains the addresses of color registers.
Field          Description
cb             Specifies the length of the structure (in bytes). The length
               determines how many color registers are retrieved.
type           Specifies the request type. To retrieve the color registers,
               this field must be set to 0x0003.
firstcolorreg  Specifies the first color register to be retrieved. This
               field must be a value from 0x0000 through 0x000F. The color
               registers are in sequential order. The number of registers
               retrieved depends on the structure size, as specified by the
               cb field.
numcolorregs   Specifies the number of color registers to retrieve.
colorregaddr   Points to the array that receives the color values for the
               registers. For each color-register retrieved, there should be
               three bytes allocated (one each for the red, green, and blue
               color values).
See Also
VioGetState, VioSetState