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#define INCL_VIO
typedef struct _VIOCONFIGINFO {    /* vioin */
    USHORT  cb     ;
    USHORT  adapter;
    USHORT  display;
    ULONG   cbMemory;
    USHORT  Configuration;
    USHORT  VDHVersion;
    USHORT  Flags;
    ULONG   HWBufferSize;
    ULONG   FullSaveSize;
    ULONG   PartSaveSize;
    USHORT  EMAdaptersOFF;
    USHORT  EMDisplaysOFF;
The VIOCONFIGINFO structure contains configuration information about the
Field          Description
cb             Specifies the size of the structure (in bytes). Programs
               written in the C language should use the sizeof operator to
               set this field.
adapter        Specifies the type of display adapter. It can be one of the
               following values:
               Value               Meaning
               DISPLAY_MONOCHROME  Monochrome/printer adapter
               DISPLAY_CGA         Color graphics adapter
               DISPLAY_EGA         Enhanced graphics adapter
               DISPLAY_VGA         Video graphics array display adapter
               DISPLAY_8514A       IBM Personal System/2 display adapter
display        Specifies the display/monitor type. It can be one of the
               following values:
               Value               Meaning
               MONITOR_MONOCHROME  Monochrome display
               MONITOR_COLOR       Color display
               MONITOR_ENHANCED    Enhanced color display
               MONITOR_8503        8503 monochrome display
               MONITOR_851X_COLOR  8512 or 8513 color display
               MONITOR_8514        8514 color display
cbMemory       Specifies the amount of memory in the adapter (in bytes).
Configuration  Specifies the configuration ID requested. It can be one of
               the following values:
               Value                 Meaning
               VIO_CONFIG_CURRENT    The current display adapter
               VIO_CONFIG_PRIMARY    The primary display adapter
               VIO_CONFIG_SECONDARY  The secondary display adapter
VDHVersion     Reserved; must be zero.
Flags          Specifies flag bits. The value 0x0001 sets default power-on
HWBufferSize   Specifies the amount of memory required to save the full
               hardware state of the device adapter (not including the
               physical video buffer).
FullSaveSize   Specifies the amount of memory required to save the entire
               physical video buffer.
PartSaveSize   Specifies the amount of memory required to save the portion
               of the physical video buffer that will be overwritten by a
               pop-up window.
EMAdaptersOFF  Specifies the offset to information that describes other
               display adapters emulated by this display adapter.
EMDisplaysOFF  Specifies the offset to information that describes other
               display types emulated by this display.
See Also