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#define INCL_VIO
typedef struct _VIOMODEINFO {    /* viomi */
    USHORT cb;
    UCHAR  fbType;
    UCHAR  color;
    USHORT col;
    USHORT row;
    USHORT hres;
    USHORT vres;
    UCHAR  fmt_ID;
    UCHAR  attrib;
    ULONG  buf_addr;
    ULONG  buf_length;
    ULONG  full_length;
    ULONG  partial_length;
    PCH    ext_data_addr;
The VIOMODEINFO structure contains information about the screen mode.
Field           Description
cb              Specifies the size of the structure (in bytes). Programs
                written in the C language should use the sizeof operator to
                set this field.
fbType          Specifies the screen mode. It is one of the following
                Value              Meaning
                VGMT_OTHER         Sets the adapter to other than a
                                   monochrome/printer adapter. If this value
                                   is not given, the monochrome/printer
                                   adapter is set by default.
                VGMT_GRAPHICS      Sets graphics mode. If this value is not
                                   given, the adapter is set to text mode.
                VGMT_DISABLEBURST  Disables color-burst mode. If this value
                                   is not given, color-burst mode is
color           Specifies the number of colors (defined as a power of 2).
                This is equivalent to the number of color bits that define
                the color. It is one of the following values:
                Value      Meaning
                COLORS_2   2 colors
                COLORS_4   4 colors
                COLORS_16  16 colors
col             Specifies the number of text columns.
row             Specifies the number of text rows.
hres            Specifies the number of pel columns (horizontal
vres            Specifies the number of pel rows (vertical resolution).
fmt_ID          Specifies the format of the attributes.
attrib          Specifies the number of attributes in the attribfmt field.
buf_addr        Specifies the 32-bit physical address of the physical video
                buffer for this mode.
buf_length      Specifies the length (in bytes) of the physical video buffer
                for this mode.
full_length     Specifies the size (in bytes) of the buffer required to save
                the entire physical video buffer for this mode.
partial_length  Specifies the amount of memory required to save a portion of
                the physical video buffer for this mode. This portion of the
                physical video buffer is what is overwritten by a pop-up
ext_data_addr   Specifies the address of an extended-mode structure. An
                application can pass the structure address directly to a
                video device driver. The format of the extended-mode
                structure is defined by the particular video driver and is
                unknown to OS/2. Unless you are working with a video driver
                that accepts this type of data, set this parameter to NULL.
See Also
VioGetMode, VioSetMode