msos2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Scroll-bar notification messages (1.2)
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Command code       Description
SB_LINEUP          User clicked the top scroll arrow. Decrement the slider
                   position by one and scroll toward the top of the data by
                   one unit.
SB_LINEDOWN        User clicked the bottom scroll arrow. Increment the
                   slider position by one and scroll toward the bottom of
                   the data by one unit.
SB_LINELEFT        User clicked the left scroll arrow. Decrement the slider
                   position by one and scroll toward the left end of the
                   data by one unit.
SB_LINERIGHT       User clicked the right scroll arrow. Increment the slider
                   position by one and scroll toward the right end of the
                   data one unit.
SB_PAGEUP          User clicked the scroll-bar background above the slider.
                   Decrement the slider position by the number of data units
                   in the window and scroll toward the top of the data by
                   the same number of units.
SB_PAGEDOWN        User clicked the scroll-bar background below the slider.
                   Increment the slider position by the number of data units
                   in the window and scroll toward the bottom of the data by
                   the same number of units.
SB_PAGELEFT        User clicked the scroll-bar background to the left of the
                   slider. Decrement the slider position by the number of
                   data units in the window and scroll toward the left end
                   of the data by the same number of units.
SB_PAGERIGHT       User clicked the scroll-bar background to the right of
                   the slider. Increment the slider position by the number
                   of data units in the window and scroll toward the right
                   end of the data by the same number of units.
SB_SLIDERTRACK     User is dragging the slider. Applications that draw data
                   quickly can set the slider to the position given in the
                   message and scroll the data by the same number of units
                   the slider has moved. Applications that cannot draw data
                   quickly should wait for the SB_SLIDERPOSITION code before
                   moving the slider and scrolling the data.
SB_SLIDERPOSITION  User released the slider after dragging it. Set the
                   slider to the position given in the message and scroll
                   the data by the same number of units the slider has
SB_ENDSCROLL       User released the mouse after holding it on an arrow or
                   in the scroll-bar background. No action is necessary.
Scroll-bar notification messages are sent in the usCmd parameter of
See Also