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Procedures: <Searching for text or formatting>
Use the Edit Search command to search for
specific text, formatting, or style in the active
document. For example, you can search for all
occurrences of the word "Microsoft" or for all
occurrences of underlined text
■ Place the <cursor> at the point in the document
  where you want the search to begin. You can
  search forward or backward from this point.
■ To speed your search, keep your search text as
  short as possible.
■ Use a question mark (?) to match a single
  unspecified character. For more information on
  searching for this and other special characters,
  see the <Search and replace special characters>
  Help topic.
More Help: <Edit menu>
           <Edit Replace command>
Using Manual: Ch. 8, "Searching and Replacing"