mw.hlp (Topic list)
Important Notice
The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
<Index>               <Back>               <Exit>
Overview: <Edit Go To command>
To go to:
  Annotation text from a reference mark
    1. Place the cursor on the reference mark.
    2. Choose Edit Go To (Alt,E,G).
    3. Choose OK.
       The cursor automatically moves to the
       associated annotation text.
  An annotation reference mark from annotation
    1. Place the cursor anywhere in the
       annotation text.
    2. Choose Edit Go To (Alt,E,G).
    3. Choose OK.
       The cursor automatically moves to the
       associated annotation reference mark.
    1. Choose Edit Go To (Alt,E,G).
    2. Type or select from the Bookmark Name box
       the name of the bookmark you want to go to.
    3. Choose OK.
  Footnote text from a reference mark
    1. Place the cursor on the reference mark.
    2. Choose Edit Go To (Alt,E,G).
    3. Choose OK.
       The cursor automatically moves to the
       associated footnote text.
  A footnote reference mark from footnote text
    1. Place the cursor in the footnote text.
    2. Choose Edit Go To (Alt,E,G).
    3. Choose OK.
       The cursor automatically moves to the
       associated footnote reference mark.
    1. Choose Edit Go To (Alt,E,G).
    2. Type the number of the page you want
       to go to.
    3. Choose OK.
    1. Choose Edit Go To (Alt,E,G).
    2. Type S and the number of the section you
       want to go to. Example: S4 will jump to
       section 4.
    3. Choose OK.
Using Manual: Ch. 2, "Scrolling, Selecting Text,
                      and Choosing Commands"
              Ch. 13, "Bookmarks and
              Ch. 15, "Footnotes, Annotations, and
                       Revision Marks"