mw.hlp (Topic list)
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Overview: <View Status Bar command>
From left to right, the status bar contains the
following information:
Page, Section, Line, and Column
  These indicators tell you where the cursor is
  located in the active document.
   Shows the page number the cursor is in.
   Displays the current section the cursor is in,
   if more than one section exists in the
   Displays the cursor line number counting from
   the last page break. Line numbers are only
   displayed if the Show Line Numbers check box
   is turned on in the View Preferences dialog
   Displays the current horizontal position of
   the cursor.
Scrap  { }
  Word displays the contents of the scrap between
  the { } brackets. If the scrap contents are
  longer than the space available, Word shows only
  the first and last three characters separated by
  two periods.
  If Word is running out of memory, the word SAVE
  will appear in the status bar. You should save
  open documents, glossaries, and style sheets.
Help Reminder  <F1=Help>
  Click the Help reminder to display information
  about a dialog box or to display the Help index.
Key Status
  The Key Status codes indicate that you have one
  or more of these options turned on:
  Code:    Description:
   CL       Caps lock
   CS       Column Selection
   EX       Extend Selection
   LD       Line draw mode
   LY       View Layout
   MR       Macro record
   MX       Maximize window
   NL       Number Lock on keypad
   OT       Overtype mode
   RM       Revision marks
   SL       Direction keys scroll
   ST       Macro step mode
Using Manual: Ch. 3, "The Word Screen"