◄Up► ◄Contents► ◄Index► ◄Back► ─────NMAKE────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Recursion macros let you use NMAKE to call NMAKE. These macros can make recursion more efficient. See: ◄Calling NMAKE Recursively► MAKE Defined as the name which you specified to the operating system when you ran NMAKE; this name is NMAKE unless you have renamed the utility file. Use this macro to call NMAKE recursively. The /N command-line option to prevent execution of commands does not prevent this command from executing. It is recommended that you do not redefine MAKE. MAKEDIR Defined as the current directory when NMAKE was called. MAKEFLAGS Defined as the options currently in effect. MAKEFLAGS is passed automatically with the $(MAKE) command. You cannot redefine MAKEFLAGS. To change the /D, /I, /N, and /S options within a makefile, use !CMDSWITCHES. To add other options, specify them as part of the recursion command. See: ◄!CMDSWITCHES Directive► -♦-