NMAKE Help (nmake.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
NMAKE 1.20 Contents
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     The Microsoft Program Maintenance Utility (NMAKE) automates the
     process of building a project.
     Command-Line Syntax
     NMAKE [options] [macrodefinitions] [targets]
     Running NMAKE
          NMAKE Options
          NMAKE Command File
          The TOOLS.INI File
          Calling NMAKE Recursively
          Description Blocks
          Command Modifiers
          Exit Codes from Commands
          Inline Files
          Defining a Macro
          Using Macros
     Inference Rules
          Defining an Inference Rule
          Predefined Inference Rules
     Dot Directives
     Preprocessing Directives
     NMAKE Exit Codes
     WARNING:  For NMAKE to work properly, the date and time
               on your system must be consistent.
     Microsoft Programmer's WorkBench (PWB) automatically creates a
     makefile and calls NMAKE to run the file. You can use your own
     makefile as a foreign makefile in PWB.
     NMAKE can swap itself to expanded memory, extended memory, or disk
     to leave room for the commands it spawns.
     See: /M Option