◄Up► ◄Contents► ◄Index► ◄Back► ─────NMAKE────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── NMAKE stops execution if it executes a command or program that encounters an error and returns a nonzero exit code. The exit code is displayed in an NMAKE error message. There are several ways to control NMAKE when an error occurs: ◄!CMDSWITCHES Directive► ◄Dash (-) Modifier► ◄.IGNORE Directive► ◄/I Option► ◄/K Option► Another way to use exit codes is during preprocessing. You can run a command and test its exit code with the !IF directive. See: ◄Running a Program in Preprocessing► NMAKE itself issues exit codes that can be checked. See: ◄NMAKE Exit Codes► -♦-