NMAKE Help (nmake.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Where to Define Macros
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     You can define macros in the makefile, on the command line, in a
     command file, or in TOOLS.INI. How you define a macro depends on
     where you define it. Spaces in the makefile and in TOOLS.INI have
     a different significance from spaces on the command line.
     See: Precedence Among Macro Definitions
          The TOOLS.INI File
     Defining in a Makefile or TOOLS.INI
     Each macro defined in the makefile or in TOOLS.INI must appear on
     a separate line. The line cannot start with a space or tab; the
     name being defined must appear at the beginning of the line. NMAKE
     ignores any spaces or tabs on either side of the equal sign. The
     string can contain embedded spaces. Do not enclose the string in
     quotation marks; if you do, they become part of the string.
     The following definition can appear in a makefile or TOOLS.INI:
          LINKCMD = LINK /MAP
     Defining on the NMAKE Command Line
     When you define a macro on the command line or in a command file,
     spaces must not precede or follow the equal sign. If the string
     contains embedded spaces or tabs, enclose either the string or the
     entire macro in double quotation marks (").
     Either form of the following command-line macro is allowed:
     However, the following form of the same macro is not permitted. It
     contains spaces that are not enclosed by quotation marks: