overview.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
About List-Box Controls (1.2)
Using Section  Message Group  Styles            Up Next Previous
                          About List-Box Controls
This topic describes creating and using list-box control windows in your
applications. You should also be familiar with the following topics:
    Messages and message queues
    MS OS/2 Resource Compiler
A list box is a control window containing a list of items. Each item
contains a text string and a handle. The text string is usually displayed in
the list-box window. The handle is available to the application to reference
other data associated with the list item.
A list-box window must be owned by another window. This ownership
relationship is important because the owner window receives messages from
the list box when events occur──for example, when a user selects an item
from the list box. Typically, the owner window is a client window of an
application frame window or a dialog window. The client-window procedure or
the dialog-window procedure defined by an application responds to messages
sent from the list box.
A list box always contains a scroll bar. If the list box contains more items
than can be displayed in the list-box window, the scroll bar is enabled.
Otherwise, the scroll bar is disabled. The list box responds to clicks in
the scroll bar by scrolling the list.
The maximum number of items in a list box is 32,767. This limit on list-box
items is controlled by the 64K heap-size limit used in storing the list-box