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Using List-Box Controls (1.2)
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                          Using List-Box Controls
An application uses a list-box control to display a list in a window. List
boxes can be displayed in standard application windows, although they are
more commonly used in dialog windows. Either way, notification messages are
sent from the list box to the owner window, allowing the application to
respond to user actions in the list. In practice, if a list box is owned by
a dialog window, messages are handled in dialog-window procedures. If the
list box is owned by a client window, notification messages are handled in
the client-window procedure.
Once a list box is created, the application controls inserting and deleting
list items. Items can be inserted at the end of the list, automatically
sorted into the list, or inserted at a specified index position.
Applications can turn list drawing on and off to speed up the process of
inserting numerous items into a list.
The window procedure of the owner window of the list box receives messages
when a user manipulates the list-box data. Most default list actions (for
example, highlighting selections and scrolling) are handled automatically by
the list box itself. The application controls the responses when the user
chooses an item in the list, either by double-clicking the item or pressing
ENTER after an item is highlighted. The application is also notified
whenever the selection changes or when the list is scrolled.
Normally, list items are text strings drawn by a list box. An application
can also draw and highlight the items in a list. This allows customized
lists containing graphics or special fonts to be created. When an
application creates a list box with the LS_OWNERDRAW style, the owner of the
list box receives a WM_DRAWITEM message for each item that should be drawn
or highlighted. This is similar to the owner-drawn style for menus, but
unlike menus, the owner-drawn style applies to the entire list rather than
to individual items.
Creating a List-Box Window
List boxes are WC_LISTBOX class windows and are predefined by the system.
Applications can create list boxes by calling the WinCreateWindow function,
using WC_LISTBOX as the window-class parameter.
A list box passes notification messages to its owner window, so an
application uses its client window, rather than the frame window, as the
owner of the list. The client-window procedure receives the messages sent
from the list box.
For example, to create a list box that completely fills the client area of a
frame window, an application would make the client window the owner and
parent of the list-box window and make the list-box window the same size as
the client window. This is shown in the following code fragment:
/* How big is the client window? */
WinQueryWindowRect(hwndClient, &rect);
/* Make a list-box window. */
hwndList = WinCreateWindow(hwndClient,    /* parent       */
    WC_LISTBOX,                           /* class        */
    "",                                   /* name         */
    WS_VISIBLE | LS_NOADJUSTPOS,          /* style        */
    0, 0,                                 /* x, y         */
    rect.xRight, rect.yTop,               /* cx, cy       */
    hwndClient,                           /* owner        */
    HWND_TOP,                             /* behind       */
    ID_LISTWINDOW,                        /* ID           */
    NULL,                                 /* control data */
    NULL);                                /* parameters   */
Because the list box draws its own border and a frame-window border already
surrounds the client area of a frame window (because of the adjacent frame
controls), the effect is a double-thick border around the list box. To
change this, call the WinInflateRect function to overlap the list-box border
with the surrounding frame-window border. This results in one list-box
Notice that the code specifies the list-box window style LS_NOADJUSTPOS.
This ensures that the list box is created in exactly the size specified. If
the LS_NOADJUSTPOS style is not specified, the list-box height is rounded
down, if necessary, to make it a multiple of the item height. Allowing a
list box to automatically adjust its height is useful for preventing partial
items from being displayed at the bottom of a list box.
List Boxes in Dialog Windows
List boxes are most commonly used in dialog windows. A list box in a dialog
box is a control window, like a push button or an entry field. Typically,
the application defines a list box as one item in a dialog template in the
resource-definition file, as shown in the following Resource Compiler
source-code fragment:
   DIALOG "Open...", IDD_OPEN, 35, 35, 150, 135,
          LISTBOX        IDD_FILELIST, 15, 15, 90, 90
          PUSHBUTTON     "Drive", IDD_DRIVEBUTTON, 115, 70, 30, 14
          DEFPUSHBUTTON  "Open", IDD_OPENBUTTON, 115, 40, 30, 14
          PUSHBUTTON     "Cancel", IDD_CANCELBUTTON, 115, 15, 30, 14
Once the dialog resource is defined, the application loads and displays the
dialog box as it normally would. The application should insert items into
the list when processing the WM_INITDLG message. The dialog-window procedure
gets the window handle for the list box by calling the WinWindowFromID
function using the list-box ID given in the dialog template. The following
code fragment from a dialog-window procedure illustrates this:
    hwndList = WinWindowFromID(hwndDialog, IDD_FILELIST);
        . /* Now use hwndList to send LM_INSERTITEM messages. */
    return 0L;
It is very common for a dialog window with a list box to have an OK button.
The user may select items in the list and then indicate a final selection by
double-clicking, pressing ENTER, or clicking the OK button. When the
dialog-window procedure receives a message that the user has clicked the OK
button, it should query the list box to determine the current selection (or
selections if the list allows multiple selections) and then respond as if it
received a WM_CONTROL message with the LN_ENTER notification code.
Adding and Deleting an Item in a List Box
Applications can add or delete items in a list box by sending LM_INSERTITEM
and LM_DELETEITEM messages to the list-box window. Items in a list are
specified with a zero-based index (beginning at the top of the list). A new
list is always created empty. The application must initialize the list by
inserting items.
The application specifies the text and position for each new item. It can
specify an absolute-position index or one of the following predefined index
Value               Meaning
LIT_END             Insert item at end of list.
LIT_SORTASCENDING   Insert item alphabetically ascending into list.
LIT_SORTDESCENDING  Insert item alphabetically descending into list.
The application must send an LM_DELETEITEM message and supply the absolute
index position of the item when deleting items from a list. The
LM_DELETEALL message deletes all items in a list.
One way an application can speed up the process of inserting list items is
to suspend drawing in the list while inserting items. The list is redrawn
after the insertion process is finished. This is a particularly valuable
approach when using a sorted insertion process, when inserting one item can
cause rearrangement of the entire list. List drawing is turned off by
calling the WinEnableWindowUpdate function with FALSE for the enable
parameter, and then calling the WinShowWindow function. This forces a
complete update when insertion is complete. The following code fragment
illustrates this concept:
/* Disable updates while filling the list. */
WinEnableWindowUpdate(hwndFileList, FALSE);
    . /* Send LM_INSERTITEM messages to insert all new items. */
/* Now cause the window to update and show the new information. */
WinShowWindow(hwndFileList, TRUE);
Note that this optimization is not necessary if adding list items when
processing a WM_INITDLG message because the list box is not visible and the
list-box routines are internally optimized.
Responding to a User Selection in a List Box
The primary notification an application receives when a user chooses an item
in a list is a WM_CONTROL message with the LN_ENTER control code sent to the
owner window of the list. The owner window is an application client window
or a dialog window. Within the window procedure for the owner window, the
application responds to the LN_ENTER control code by querying the list box
for the current selection (or selections, in the case of an LS_MULTIPLESEL
list box).
The LN_ENTER control code notifies the application that the user has
selected a list item. A WM_CONTROL message with an LN_SELECT control code is
sent to the list-box owner whenever a selection in a list changes, such as
when a user moves the mouse pointer up and down a list while pressing the
mouse button. In this case, items are selected but not yet chosen. An
application may ignore LN_SELECT control codes when the selection changes,
responding only when the item is actually chosen. An application might use
the LN_SELECT control code to display context-dependent information that
changes rapidly with each selection made by the user.
Handling Multiple Selections
When a list box has the style LS_MULTIPLESEL, more than one item may be
selected at a time. An application must use different strategies when
working with this type of list. For example, when responding to an LN_ENTER
control code, it is not sufficient to send a single LM_QUERYSELECTION
message because that message will find only the first selection. To find all
current selections, an application should continue sending
LM_QUERYSELECTION messages, using the return index of the previous message
as the starting index of the next message, until no items are returned.
Owner-Drawn List Items
To draw its own list items, an application must create a list that has the
style LS_OWNERDRAW. The owner window of the list box must respond to the
When the owner window receives a WM_MEASUREITEM message, it must return the
height of the list item. All items in a list must have the same height
(greater than or equal to 1). The WM_MEASUREITEM message is sent when the
list box is created, and every time an item is added. You can change the
item height by sending an LM_SETITEMHEIGHT message to the list-box window.
The owner window receives a WM_DRAWITEM message whenever an item in an
owner-drawn list should be drawn or highlighted. The owner window returns
FALSE if the list box must draw the text of the item. The owner window
returns TRUE if it actually draws the item. This tells the list box not to
draw the item. This is useful if the owner window alters the appearance of
certain items, allowing other items to be drawn by the list box.
Although it is quite common for an owner-drawn list to draw items, it is
less common to override the system-default method of highlighting. (The
system-default highlighting method inverts the rectangle that contains the
item.) Do not create your own highlighting unless the system-default method
is unacceptable to you.
The WM_DRAWITEM message contains a pointer to an OWNERITEM data structure.
The OWNERITEM data structure contains the window ID for the list box, a
presentation-space handle, a bounding rectangle for the item, the position
index for the item, and the application-defined item handle. This structure
also contains two fields that determine if a message draws, highlights, or
removes the highlighting from an item.
When the item must be drawn, the owner window receives a WM_DRAWITEM message
with the fsState field set differently than the fsStateOld field. If the
owner window draws the item in response to this message, it returns TRUE,
telling the system not to draw the item. If the owner window returns FALSE,
the system draws the item using the default list-item drawing method.
You can get the text of a list item by sending an LM_QUERYITEMTEXT message
to the list-box window. You should draw the item using the hps and rclItem
arguments provided in the OWNERITEM structure.
If the item being drawn is currently selected, then the fsState and
fsStateOld fields will both be TRUE; they will both be FALSE if the item is
not currently selected. The window receiving a WM_DRAWITEM message can use
this information to highlight the selected item at the same time it draws
the item. If the owner window highlights the item, it should leave the
fsState and fsStateOld fields equal to each other. If the system provides
default highlighting for the item (by inverting the item rectangle), the
owner window should set the fsState field to 1 and the fsStateOld field to 0
before returning from the WM_DRAWITEM message.
The owner window also receives a WM_DRAWITEM message when the highlight
state of a list item changes. For example, when a user clicks an item, the
highlighting must be removed from the currently selected item and the new
selection must be highlighted. If these items are owner-drawn, then the
owner window receives one WM_DRAWITEM message for each unhighlighted item
and one message for the newly highlighted item. To highlight an item, the
fsState field must equal TRUE and the fsStateOld field must equal FALSE. In
this case, the application should highlight the item and return the fsState
and fsStateOld fields equal to FALSE. This tells the system not to highlight
the item. The application can also return the fsState and fsStateOld fields
with two different values (not equal) and the list box will highlight the
item (the default).
To remove highlighting from an item, the fsState field must equal FALSE and
the fsStateOld field must equal TRUE. An application can remove the
highlighting and return both the fsState and fsStateOld fields as FALSE, or
it can return the fsState field with a value that is not equal to the
fsStateOld field and the system will remove the highlighting (the default).
The following code fragment shows these selection processes:
    /* Test to see if this is drawing or highlighting/unhighlighting. */
    if (((POWNERITEM) mp2)->fsState !=
            ((POWNERITEM) mp2)->fsStateOld) {
        /* This is either highlighting or unhighlighting. */
        if (((POWNERITEM) mp2)->fsState) {
            . /* Highlight the item. */
        } else {
            . /* Remove the highlighting.*/
        /* Set fsState = fsStateOld to tell system you did it. */
        ((POWNERITEM) mp2)->fsState =
            ((POWNERITEM) mp2)->fsStateOld = 0;
        return (TRUE); /* Tells list box you did the highlighting. */
    } else {
        . /* Draw the item. */
        /* Check to see if item is selected. */
        if (((POWNERITEM) mp2)->fsState) {
            . /* Highlight the item. */
            /* Set fsState = fsStateOld to tell system you did it. */
            ((POWNERITEM) mp2)->fsState =
                ((POWNERITEM) mp2) ->fsStateOld = 0;
       return (TRUE); /* Tells list box you did the drawing. */
Default List-Box Behavior
This section lists all the messages handled by the predefined list-box
window-class procedure.
Message                 Description
WM_CREATE               Creates an empty list box with a scroll bar.
WM_DESTROY              Destroys the list and deallocates any memory
                        allocated during its existence.
WM_PAINT                Draws the list box and its items.
WM_CHAR                 Processes virtual keys for line and page scrolling.
                        Sends an LN_ENTER notification code for the ENTER
                        key. Returns TRUE if the key is processed;
                        otherwise, passes the message to the
                        WinDefWindowProc function.
WM_SETFOCUS             If gaining the focus, creates a cursor and sends an
                        LN_SETFOCUS notication code to the owner window. If
                        losing the focus, destroys the cursor and sends an
                        LN_KILLFOCUS notification code to the owner window.
WM_ADJUSTWINDOWPOS      If the list box has the style LS_NOADJUSTPOS, makes
                        no changes to the SWP structure and returns FALSE.
                        Otherwise, adjusts the height of the list box so
                        that a partial item is not shown at the bottom of
                        the list. Returns TRUE if the SWP structure is
WM_ENABLE               Enables the scroll bar if there are more items than
                        can be displayed in a list window.
WM_TIMER                Uses timers to control automatic scrolling that
                        occurs when a user drags the mouse pointer outside
                        the window.
WM_BUTTON2DOWN          Returns TRUE; the message is ignored.
WM_BUTTON3DOWN          Returns TRUE; the message is ignored.
WM_MOUSEMOVE            Sets the mouse pointer to the arrow shape and
                        returns TRUE to show that the message was
WM_VSCROLL              Handles scrolling indicated by the list-box scroll
LM_QUERYITEMCOUNT       Returns the number of items in the list.
LM_INSERTITEM           Inserts a new item in the list according to the
                        position information passed with the message.
LM_SETTOPINDEX          Shows the specified item as the top item in the list
                        window, scrolling the list as necessary.
LM_QUERYTOPINDEX        Returns the zero-based index to the item currently
                        visible at the top of the list.
LM_DELETEITEM           Removes the specified item from the list, redrawing
                        the list as necessary. Returns the number of items
                        remaining in the list.
LM_SELECTITEM           Selects the specified item. If the list is a
                        single-selection list, deselects the previous
                        selection. Sends a WM_CONTROL message (with the
                        LN_SELECT code) to the owner window.
LM_QUERYSELECTION       For a single-selection list box, returns the
                        zero-based index of the currently selected item. For
                        multiple-selection list boxes, returns the next
                        selected item or LIT_NONE if no more items are
LM_SETITEMTEXT          Sets the text for the specified item.
LM_QUERYITEMTEXTLENGTH  Returns the length of the specified item text.
LM_QUERYITEMTEXT        Copies the specified item's text to a buffer
                        supplied by the message sender.
LM_SETITEMHANDLE        Sets the specified item handle.
LM_QUERYITEMHANDLE      Returns the specified item handle.
LM_SEARCHSTRING         Searches the list for a match to the specified
LM_SETITEMHEIGHT        Sets the item height for the list. All items in the
                        list have the same height.
LM_DELETEALL            Deletes all items in the list.