overview.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
About Area Primitives (1.2)
Using Section  Function Group                     Up Next Previous
                           About Area Primitives
This topic describes areas and area primitives. You should also be familiar
with the following topics:
    Presentation spaces and device contexts
    Color and mix modes
An area primitive is one or more closed figures that are filled or filled
and outlined. You can define an area primitive as a distinct closed figure,
as multiple intersecting or disjoint closed figures, or as some combination
of these. An area primitive is the result of a collection of functions that
define and draw the area.
Creating Areas
An area bracket contains the functions that define an area primitive. A
GpiBeginArea function defines the beginning of an area bracket; a
GpiEndArea function defines the end of the area bracket and tells MS OS/2 to
draw the area. An area bracket has the following form:
GpiBeginArea();                /* start of area bracket           */
    .                          /* line and arc functions          */
GpiEndArea();                  /* end of area bracket, draws area */
Once you define the beginning of an area bracket, you can define its shape
and its location in your application's world space by using line and arc
functions. These area functions are described in the following list:
Area functions      Description
GpiBox              Draws a rectangle.
GpiFullArc          Draws an ellipse.
GpiLine             Draws a straight line.
GpiPartialArc       Draws part of an ellipse defined by an angle.
GpiPointArc         Draws part of an ellipse defined by three points.
GpiPolyFillet       Draws a series of connected fillets.
GpiPolyFilletSharp  Draws a series of fillets, with each curve approximating
                    an ellipse, a hyperbola, or a parabola.
GpiPolyLine         Draws a series of connected straight lines.
GpiPolySpline       Draws a series of connected splines.
Always use the DRO_OUTLINE constant if you call either the GpiBox or
GpiFullArc function to define the shape of an area; if you use the DRO_FILL
or DRO_OUTLINEFILL constant, MS OS/2 returns an error message.
If you do not close a figure before calling GpiEndArea, MS OS/2
automatically closes it for you by drawing a line from the end point of the
last line or curve drawn to the starting point of the first line or curve
drawn. The current position is always updated to the end point of the last
line drawn.
In addition to using line and arc functions in an area bracket, you can also
use the following functions:
♦  GpiBeginElement
♦  GpiBox
♦  GpiCallSegmentMatrix
♦  GpiComment
♦  GpiDeleteElement (retain mode only)
♦  GpiDeleteElementRange (retain mode only)
♦  GpiDeleteElementsBetweenLabels (retain mode only)
♦  GpiElement
♦  GpiEndArea
♦  GpiEndElement
♦  GpiFullArc
♦  GpiGetData
♦  GpiLabel
♦  GpiLine
♦  GpiMove
♦  GpiOffsetElementPointer
♦  GpiPartialArc
♦  GpiPointArc
♦  GpiPolyFillet
♦  GpiPolyFilletSharp
♦  GpiPolyLine
♦  GpiPolySpline
♦  GpiPop
♦  GpiPutData
♦  GpiQueryArcParams (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryAttrMode
♦  GpiQueryAttrs (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryBackColor (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryBackMix
♦  GpiQueryBoundaryData
♦  GpiQueryCharAngle (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryCharBox (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryCharDirection (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryCharMode (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryCharSet (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryCharShear (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryCharStringPos (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryCharStringPosAt (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryClipBox
♦  GpiQueryClipRegion
♦  GpiQueryColor (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryColorData
♦  GpiQueryColorIndex
♦  GpiQueryCp
♦  GpiQueryCurrentPosition (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryDefaultViewMatrix
♦  GpiQueryDefCharBox
♦  GpiQueryDevice
♦  GpiQueryDeviceBitmapFormats
♦  GpiQueryEditMode
♦  GpiQueryElement (valid only in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryElementPointer (valid only in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryElementType (valid only in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryFontFileDescriptions
♦  GpiQueryFontMetrics
♦  GpiQueryFonts
♦  GpiQueryGraphicsField
♦  GpiQueryInitialSegmentAttrs
♦  GpiQueryKerningPairs
♦  GpiQueryLineEnd (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryLineJoin (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryLineType (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryLineWidth (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryLineWidthGeom (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryLogColorTable
♦  GpiQueryMarker (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryMarkerBox (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryMarkerSet (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryMix (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryModelTransformMatrix (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryNearestColor
♦  GpiQueryNumberSetIds
♦  GpiQueryPageViewport
♦  GpiQueryPattern (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryPatternRefPoint (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryPatternSet (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryPel
♦  GpiQueryPickAperturePosition
♦  GpiQueryPickApertureSize
♦  GpiQueryRealColors
♦  GpiQueryRegionBox
♦  GpiQueryRegionRects
♦  GpiQueryRGBColor
♦  GpiQuerySegmentAttrs
♦  GpiQuerySegmentNames
♦  GpiQuerySegmentPriority
♦  GpiQuerySegmentTransformMatrix
♦  GpiQuerySetIds
♦  GpiQueryStopDraw
♦  GpiQueryTag (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryViewingLimits (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiQueryViewingTransformMatrix
♦  GpiQueryWidth
♦  GpiSetArcParams
♦  GpiSetAttrMode
♦  GpiSetAttrs
♦  GpiSetColor
♦  GpiSetCurrentPosition
♦  GpiSetEditMode
♦  GpiSetElementPointer (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiSetElementPointerAtLabel (not valid in retain mode)
♦  GpiSetLineEnd
♦  GpiSetLineJoin
♦  GpiSetLineType
♦  GpiSetLineWidth
♦  GpiSetMix
♦  GpiSetModelTransformMatrix
♦  GpiSetSegmentTransformMatrix
Outlining Areas
If you want MS OS/2 to outline an area, use the BA_BOUNDARY flag when you
call the GpiBeginArea function. MS OS/2 then draws the outline, using a
narrow line that is 1 pel wide. The default outline color is black
(CLR_NEUTRAL) on most displays and printers and the default line style is
solid (LINETYPE_SOLID). You can change the line color and line styles by
calling the GpiSetAttrs function, or to determine the current line color and
line styles, you can call the GpiQueryAttrs function. For more information
about lines and line primitives, see the topic Line and arc primitives.
If you do not want MS OS/2 to outline an area, use the BA_NOBOUNDARY flag
when you call GpiBeginArea.
Filling Areas
MS OS/2 fills an area by repeatedly drawing an eight-by-eight bitmap called
a fill pattern. The default fill pattern is solid (PATSYM_DENSE1), and the
default fill-pattern color is black (CLR_NEUTRAL). MS OS/2 provides 15
predefined fill patterns, in addition to the default pattern. To determine
which of the 16 patterns is currently selected, you can call the
GpiQueryPattern function, or to select a new pattern, you can call the
GpiSetPattern function. You can also create custom patterns by using bitmaps
or characters and symbols from an image font. If you do create a custom
pattern, remember that MS OS/2 uses only the first eight bits in the first
eight rows of the bitmap, starting in the lower-left corner.
You can change the foreground and background colors and mix modes for the
fill pattern by calling the GpiSetAttrs function. The foreground color
corresponds to the color of the bits that are set in the fill-pattern
bitmap. The background color corresponds to the color of the bits that are
not set in the fill-pattern bitmap. The foreground mix mode specifies how MS
OS/2 should combine the foreground color with the color on the drawing
surface; the background mix mode specifies how MS OS/2 should combine the
background color with the color on the drawing surface. You can determine
the current foreground and background color and mix-mode settings by calling
the GpiQueryAttrs function. For more information about color and mix modes,
see the topic Color and mix modes.
To create a custom pattern from a hard-coded bitmap, you can call the
GpiSetPatternSet function, passing it the local identifier (lcid) for the
bitmap. This is the identifier you assigned when you called the
GpiSetBitmapId function. For more information about creating bitmaps, see
the topic Bitmaps.
To create a custom pattern from a character or a symbol in a font, you can
call the GpiSetPatternSet function, passing it the local identifier for the
font. This is the same identifier that you passed to the GpiCreateLogFont
function when you created the font. You then need to specify the code point
for a character or symbol in that font by calling the GpiSetPattern function
and passing the value of the code point. For more information about
selecting and using fonts, the topic Fonts and character primitives.
You can alter the alignment of the fill pattern in an area by altering the
pattern reference point. The default pattern reference point is (0,0). When
the default reference point is set, MS OS/2 aligns the lower-left corner of
the fill pattern with the point (0,0) in the application's world space and
begins filling the area. If you adjust the pattern reference point to (3,2),
MS OS/2 aligns the lower-left corner of the fill pattern with the point
(3,2) in the application's world space and begins filling the area. By
moving the reference point from (0,0) to (3,2), the fill pattern appears
shifted up 2 pels and to the right 3 pels.
A special structure called the AREABUNDLE structure contains seven fields
that specify the current fill-pattern colors and mix modes, the local
identifier for the bitmap or font, the character code point, and the pattern
reference point.
To determine the current values in these fields, you can call the
GpiQueryAttrs function, or to change the values, call the GpiSetAttrs
When filling an area, MS OS/2 uses not only a fill pattern but a fill mode,
as well. The two fill modes, alternate and winding, affect how the area is
filled. For more information about fill modes, see the topic Paths.