P-Code Instructions (pcode.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
P-Code Instructions Index [13]
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──P-Code Instructions Index───────────────────────────────────────────────────
   Ldc<t><n>          Push a constant on stack.
   LdfA<n>            Load Address of Frame Variable
   Ldf<t><n>          Load frame relative item
   LdgA<n>            Push address of the global variable onto the stack
   Ldg<t><n>          Push global variable on stack
   Ldif<t><n>         Load indirect from far pointer
   Ldifo<t>           Load indrect far item with scaled offset
   Ldift<t>           Load item indirect far through t register
   Ldiho<t>           Load indrect huge item with scaled offset
   Ldin<t><n>         Load indirect using near pointer
   Ldino<t>           Load indrect item with scaled offset
   Ldint<t>           Load item indirect near through t register
   LdixWb             Push the word at *(this + offset)
   LdixLb             Push the long at *(this + offset)
   Ldp<t><n>          Load parameter
   Ldt<t>             Load t register item of type <t> onto the stack