◄Up► ◄Contents► ◄Index► ◄Back► ─────Programmer's WorkBench───────────────────────────────────────────────── Closefile («closefile») Closes the file in the active window. If no files remain in the window's file history, the window is also closed. Arg Closefile («arg» «closefile») Closes the file named by the text at the cursor. Arg <linearg> │ <boxarg> │ <streamarg> Closefile («arg» <linearg> │ <boxarg> │ <streamarg> «closefile») Closes the file named by the selected text. Arg <textarg> Closefile («arg» <textarg> «closefile») Closes the specified file. Returns True: The file was closed. False: No file was closed. See Refresh, _pwbclosefile ◄File menu, Close► -♦-