Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
PWB Functions (Alphabetical)
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Function        Description                               Key
  Arg           Begin a function argument                 «arg»
  Arrangewindow Arrange windows or icons                  «arrangewindow»
  Assign        Define a macro or assign a key            «assign»
  Backtab       Move to the previous tab stop             «backtab»
  Begfile       Move to beginning of file                 «begfile»
  Begline       Move to beginning of line                 «begline»
  Cancel        Cancel arguments or current operation     «cancel»
  Cancelsearch  Cancel background search                  «cancelsearch»
  Cdelete       Delete character                          «cdelete»
  Clearmsg      Clear Build Results                       «clearmsg»
  Clearsearch   Clear Search Results                      «clearsearch»
  Closefile     Close current file                        «closefile»
  Compile       Compile and build                         «compile»
  Copy          Copy selection to the clipboard           «copy»
  Curdate       Type today's date (25-Nov-1998)           «curdate»
  Curday        Type day of week (Tue)                    «curday»
  Curtime       Type current time (14:12:08)              «curtime»
  Delete        Delete selection                          «delete»
  Down          Move down one line                        «down»
  Emacscdel     Character delete                          «emacscdel»
  Emacsnewl     Start a new line                          «emacsnewl»
  Endfile       Move to end of file                       «endfile»
  Endline       Move to end of line                       «endline»
  Environment   Set or insert environment variable        «environment»
  Execute       Execute macros and functions by name      «execute»
  Exit          Advance to next file or leave PWB         «exit»
  Graphic       Type character                            ───
  Home          Move to window corner                     «home»
  Initialize    Reinitialize, or read TOOLS.INI section   «initialize»
  Information   (Obsolete)                                ───
  Insert        Insert spaces or lines, or break line     «insert»
  Insertmode    Toggle insert/overtype mode               «insertmode»
  Lastselect    Recover last selection                    «lastselect»
  Lasttext      Recover last text argument                «lasttext»
  Ldelete       Delete lines                              «ldelete»
  Left          Move left                                 «left»
  Linsert       Insert lines or indent line               «linsert»
  Logsearch     Toggle search logging                     «logsearch»
  Mark          Set, clear, or go to mark                 «mark»
  Maximize      Enlarge window to full size               «maximize»
  Menukey       Activate menu                             «menukey»
  Message       Display a message or refresh the screen   «message»
  Meta          Modify the action of a function           «meta»
  Mgrep         Search across files for text or pattern   «mgrep»
  Minimize      Shrink window to an icon                  «minimize»
  Mlines        Scroll down by lines                      «mlines»
  Movewindow    Move window                               «movewindow»
  Mpage         Move up one page                          «mpage»
  Mpara         Move up one paragraph                     «mpara»
  Mreplace      Multifile replace with confirmation       «mreplace»
  Mreplaceall   Multifile replace                         «mreplaceall»
  Msearch       Search backward for pattern or text       «msearch»
  Mword         Move back one word                        «mword»
  Newfile       Create a new pseudofile                   «newfile»
  Newline       Move to the next line                     «newline»
  Nextmsg       Go to build message location              «nextmsg»
  Nextsearch    Go to search match location               «nextsearch»
  Noedit        Toggle the no-edit restriction            «noedit»
  Openfile      Open a new file                           «openfile»
  Paste         Insert file or text from clipboard        «paste»
  Pbal          Balance paired characters                 «pbal»
  Plines        Scroll up by lines                        «plines»
  Ppage         Move down one page                        «ppage»
  Ppara         Move down one paragraph                   «ppara»
  Print         Print file or selection                   «print»
  Project       Set or clear project                      «project»
  Prompt        Request text argument                     «prompt»
  Psearch       Search forward for pattern or text        «psearch»
  Pwbwindow     Open a PWB window                         «pwbwindow»
  Pword         Move forward one word                     «pword»
  Qreplace      Replace with confirmation                 «qreplace»
  Quote         Insert literal key                        «quote»
  Record        Toggle macro recording                    «record»
  Refresh       Reread or close file                      «refresh»
  Repeat        Repeat the last editing operation         «repeat»
  Replace       Replace pattern or text                   «replace»
  Resize        Resize window                             «resize»
  Restcur       Restore saved position                    «restcur»
  Right         Move right                                «right»
  Saveall       Save all modified files                   «saveall»
  Savecur       Save cursor position                      «savecur»
  Sdelete       Delete streams                            «sdelete»
  Searchall     Highlight occurrences of pattern or text  «searchall»
  Selcur        Select to saved position                  «selcur»
  Select        Select text                               «select»
  Selmode       Change selection mode: box, line, stream  «selmode»
  Selwindow     Move to window                            «selwindow»
  Setfile       Open or change files                      «setfile»
  Setwindow     Adjust file in window                     «setwindow»
  Shell         Start a shell or run a system command     «shell»
  Sinsert       Insert a stream of blanks or break line   «sinsert»
  Tab           Move to the next tab stop                 «tab»
  Tell          Show key assignment or macro definition   «tell»
  Unassigned    Used to remove a function from a key      ───
  Undo          Undo and redo editing operations          «undo»
  Up            Move up                                   «up»
  Usercmd       Execute a custom Run menu command         «usercmd»
  Window        Move to next or previous window           «window»
  Winstyle      Add or remove scroll bars                 «winstyle»
  Browser Functions
  Help Functions
  Predefined PWB Macros
  You can assign functions and macros to keys.
  See: Assign, About TOOLS.INI Options menu, Key Assignments