Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Delete Function
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     Delete («delete»)
          Deletes the single character at the cursor, excluding line
          breaks. It does not copy the deleted character to the
          NOTE: The Delete function can delete more than one character,
                depending on the current selection mode.
     Arg Delete («arg» «delete»)
          Deletes from the cursor to the end of the line. The deleted
          text is copied to the clipboard. In stream selection mode,
          the deletion includes the line break and joins the current
          line to the next line.
     Arg <boxarg> │ <linearg> │ <streamarg> Delete
     («arg» <boxarg> │ <linearg> │ <streamarg> «delete»)
          Deletes the selected text. The text is copied to the
     Meta ... Delete («meta» ... «delete»)
          As above but discards the deleted text. The contents of the
          clipboard are not changed.
          See: _pwbclear
     Delete always returns true.
     Selection Modes (Defined)