◄Up► ◄Contents► ◄Index► ◄Back► ─────Programmer's WorkBench───────────────────────────────────────────────── Exit («exit») If you specified multiple files on the PWB command line, PWB advances to the next file. Otherwise, PWB quits and returns control to the operating system. If the Autosave switch is set to Yes, the file is saved if it has been modified. If Autosave is No and the file is modified, PWB prompts for confirmation to save the file. See: Autosave Meta Exit («meta» «exit») Performs like Exit with the Autosave switch set to No, independent of the current setting of Autosave. If you have changed any files, PWB asks for confirmation to save before exiting. Arg Exit («arg» «exit») Like Exit, except PWB quits immediately without advancing to the next file (if any). Arg Meta Exit («arg» «meta» «exit») Like Meta Exit, except PWB quits immediately without advancing to the next file. Returns No return value. See _pwbquit ◄File menu, Exit► -♦-