Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
File Menu
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     The File menu provides the following commands to handle files,
     start an operating-system shell, and leave PWB:
     Command         Description                            Key
     New           Create a new, untitled file            «_pwbnewfile»
     Open          Open a file                            ───
     Find          Find a file on disk                    ───
     Merge         Insert files into the file             ───
     Next          Advance to next file on command line   «_pwbnextfile»
     Save          Write the file to disk                 «_pwbsavefile»
     Save As       Save the file under a new name         ───
     Save All      Write all modified files to disk       «_pwbsaveall»
     Close         Close the file                         «_pwbclosefile»
     Print         Print files or selection               ───
     Cancel Print  Cancel background print                «_pwbcancelprint»
     DOS Shell     Start a new DOS command shell          «_pwbshell»
     1 <file1>     Switch to file 1 in the file history   «_pwbfile1»
     . . .
     9 <file9>     Switch to file 9 in the file history   «_pwbfile9»
     All Files     Show a list of all open files in PWB    ───
     Exit          Leave PWB                              «_pwbquit»