Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Mgrep Function
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     The Mgrep function searches all the files listed in the Mgreplist
     macro. PWB places all matches in the Search Results window. Under
     multithreaded environments, PWB performs the search in the
     See: Mgreplist
     To browse the list of matches, use _pwbnextlogmatch,
     _pwbpreviouslogmatch, and the Nextsearch function («Nextsearch»).
     See: Nextsearch, Search menu, Next Match
          Search menu, Previous Match
     Mgrep («mgrep»)
          Searches for the previously searched string or pattern.
     Arg Mgrep («arg» «mgrep»)
          Searches for the string specified by the characters from the
          cursor to the first blank character.
     Arg <textarg> Mgrep («arg» <textarg> «mgrep»)
          Searches for <textarg>.
     Arg Arg Mgrep («arg» «arg» «mgrep»)
          Searches for the regular expression specified by the
          characters from the cursor to the first blank character.
          See: Regular Expression
     Arg Arg <textarg> Mgrep («arg» «arg» <textarg> «mgrep»)
          Searches for the regular expression specified by <textarg>.
     Meta ... Mgrep («meta» ... «mgrep»)
          As above except that the value of the Case switch is reversed
          for the search.
          See: Case
     True:  With DOS, indicates that a match was found. With
            multithreaded environments, indicates that a background
            search was successfully initiated.
     False: No matches, no search pattern specified, search pattern
            invalid, or search terminated by CTRL+BREAK.
     Update: Mgrep