Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
PWB Switches (List by Category)
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     For more information on a switch listed below, move the cursor to
     the switch and press ENTER or double-click the switch.
     Initialization    Tabs             Windows          Files
     Autoload          Entab            Hike             Autosave
     Enterlogmode      Filetab          Hscroll          Backup
     Enterinsmode      Realtabs         Newwindow        Deflang
     Enterselmode      Tabalign         Tilemode         Editreadonly
     Load                               Vscroll          Printcmd
     User              Display                           Readonly
                                        Searching        Shortnames
     Editing           Beep                              Timersave
                       Color            Case             Tmpsav
     Enablealtgr       Cursormode       Enterlogmode     Undelcount
     Factor            Defwinstyle      Markfile
     Fastfunc          Height           Infodialog       Build and Shell
     Friction          Noise            Searchdialog
     Rmargin           Savescreen       Searchflush      Askexit
     Softcr            Tabdisp          Searchwrap       Askrtn
     Tabstops          Traildisp        Unixre           Build
     Traillines        Traillinesdisp                    Keepmem
     Trailspace        Width            Project          Msgdialog
     Undocount                                           Msgflush
     Word              Mouse            Envcursave       Showbuild
     Wordwrap                           Envprojsave
                       Dblclick         Lastproject
                       Mousemode        Restorelayout
     Extension Switches
     Browser Switches
     Help Switches
     Profiler Switches
     C and C++ Switches
     Fortran Switches
     New PWB Switches
     Changed PWB Switches
     Update:New and Changed Features