qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Index: L
   Help on Help  Contents  Index  DOS/BIOS Index  C Index
  .LALL              Lists all macro statements
  .LFCOND            Lists false conditional statements
  .LIST              Starts listing of statements
  LABEL              Defines code label
  LAHF               Load flags into AH register
  LDS                Load far pointer
  LE                 Compares if first expression is ≤ second
  LEA                Load effective address
  LEAVE              High level procedure exit
  LENGTH             Returns number of data objects in variable
  LES                Load far pointer to extra segment
  LOCAL              Declares localname as placeholder within macro
  LOCK               Lock the bus
  LODS               Load string operand
  LODSB              Load string operand
  LODSW              Load string operand
  LOOP               Loop
  LOOPcondition      Loop if
  LOW                Returns low byte of expression
  LT                 Compares if first expression < second