qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Index: E
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  = (equal sign)     Assigns a numeric constant to a symbol
  ! (exclamation)    Treats following character as literal
  .8086              Enables processor
  .8087              Enables processor
  .ERR               Generates error
  .ERR1              Generates error on Pass 1
  .ERR2              Generates error on Pass 2
  .ERRB              Generates error if argument blank
  .ERRDEF            Generates error if name defined
  .ERRDIF            Generates error if arguments differ
  .ERRE              Generates error if expression false
  .ERRIDN            Generates error if arguments identical
  .ERRNB             Generates error if argument not blank
  .ERRNDEF           Generates error if name is not defined
  .ERRNZ             Generates error if expression true
  .EXIT              Generates instructions to exit program
  ELSE               Marks beginning of alternate block
  END                Ends module
  ENDIF              Terminates conditional block
  ENDM               Terminates macro
  ENDP               Terminates procedure
  ENDS               Ends segment or structure name
  ENTER              Makes stack frame
  EQ                 Compares if expressions are equal
  EQU                Assigns expression to name
  ESC                Escape
  EVEN               Aligns next variable on even byte
  EXITM              Terminates macro block expansion
  EXTRN              Declares symbol external