qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Important Notice
The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
Device I/O Commands
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 Device I/O Commands
 ■ The following keywords are used in Visual Basic to interact with the
   screen, keyboard, and other devices:
   CLOSE             Concludes I/O to file or device
   CLS               Clears various parts of the display screen
   CSRLIN            Tells which row cursor is in
   HIDE              Removes form from view
   INKEY$            Reads character from the keyboard
   INP               Returns byte read from hardware I/O port
   INPUT$            Returns string of characters read from file
   INPUT             Reads input from the keyboard and stores it
   IOCTL             Transmits control data string to device driver
   IOCTL$            Returns current status of device driver
   KEY               Assigns string values to function keys
   LINE INPUT        Reads and stores line of keyboard input
   LOC               Returns the current postiion in open file or device
   LOCATE            Moves cursor to the specified position on screen
   LPOS              Returns the number of characters sent to printer
   LPRINT            Prints data to printer port LPT1
   OPEN COM          Opens and initializes communications channel
   OUT               Sends byte to hardware I/O port
   POS               Indicates which column the cursor is in
   PRINT             Outputs data to the screen
   RESET             Closes all open files and devices
   SCREEN            Sets the current screen mode
   SHOW              Loads form, displays it, and gives it the focus
   SPC               Skips spaces in printed output
   TAB               Displays printed output starting at a given column
   VIEW PRINT        Sets top and bottom rows for text output display
   WAIT              Suspends program execution/monitors input port
   WIDTH             Assigns output-line width to device or file
   WRITE             Writes data to the screen or sequential file
 See: Keywords by Task