qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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 The SCREEN object is accessed by specifying the SCREEN keyword. It is used
 with specific properties and methods to perform the following tasks:
    Task                                       Method or Property
    ══════════════════════════════════════     ═════════════════════════════
    Define windowing system default colors     ControlPanel
    Determine the size of the screen           Height, Width
    Toggles display of all visible forms       HIDE, SHOW
    Track the location of the focus            ActiveControl, ActiveForm
 Use the SCREEN function or the SCREEN statement for non-form functionality.
 See: SCREEN Function  SCREEN Statement
    SCREEN.property[ = setting%]
    ■ property      Any applicable SCREEN property
    ■ setting%      Valid property setting
    ■ method        Any applicable SCREEN method
    ■ arguments     Any arguments to the specified method
    HIDE Method                      SHOW Method
    ActiveControl Property           ActiveForm Property
    AutoRedraw Property              ControlPanel Property
    Height Property                  MousePointer Property
    Width Property
 See Also
    SCREEN Function                  SCREEN Statement