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ISAM Database Development
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                 ISAM available in Professional Edition only
 ISAM Database Development
 ■ The following keywords are used in Visual Basic to develop ISAM databases:
   BEGINTRANS         Marks beginning of ISAM transaction
   BOF                Returns true of current position is beginning of file
   CHECKPOINT         Writes open ISAM database buffers to disk
   CLOSE              Close ISAM database files
   COMMITTRANS        Commits database operations since last BEGINTRANS
   CREATEINDEX        Creates ISAM table index
   DELETE             Removes the current record from ISAM table
   DELETEINDEX        Removes an index from ISAM database
   DELETETABLE        Removes and ISAM table and indexes
   GETINDEX$          Returns name of current index of ISAM table
   INSERT             Adds new record to ISAM table
   LOF                Returns number of records in ISAM table
   MOVEFIRST          Makes first record the current record
   MOVELAST           Makes last record the current record
   MOVENEXT           Makes next record the current record
   MOVEPREVIOUS       Makes previous record the current record
   OPEN (File I/O)    Opens ISAM database file and table
   RETRIEVE           Gets current record and places it into variable
   ROLLBACK           Restores state of database
   SAVEPOINT          Marks save points within a transaction log
   SEEKEQ             Makes first equal to keyvalue the current record
   SEEKGE             Makes first greater than or equal to keyvalue current
   SEEKGT             Makes first greater than keyvalue the current record
   SETINDEX           Makes specified table index the current index
   TEXTCOMP           Compares order of two strings as sorted by ISAM index
   TYPE               Defines ISAM table type (columns in ISAM record)
   UPDATE             Updates current record in ISAM table
 See: ISAM Data Types Summary        ISAM Naming Conventions
      ISAM Reserved Words            ISAMCVT Command-Line Options
      ISAMIO Command-Line Options    ISAMPACK Command-Line Options
      ISAMREPR Command-Line Options  Keywords by Task
      PROISAM Command-Line Options   PROISAMD Command-Line Options