qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
PAINT Statement
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 Fills a graphics area with a specified color or pattern; not available when
 forms are showing.
   PAINT [STEP] (x!,y!)[,[{color% | tile$}] [,[bordercolor&] [,background$]]]
    ■ STEP           Specifies that coordinates are relative to the current
                     graphics cursor position
    ■ (x!,y!)        Screen coordinates where painting begins
    ■ color%         Color attribute that sets the fill color
    ■ tile$          Fill pattern 8 bits wide and up to 64 bytes long,
                     defined as:
                         tile$ = CHR$(arg1) + CHR$(arg2) + ... + CHR$(argn%)
                     where arguments to CHR$ are numbers between 0 and 255,
    ■ bordercolor&   Color attribute that specifies the color of the
                     filled area's border
    ■ background$    Specifies 1-byte, 8-pixel "background tile slice"
 See Also
    CHR$ Function                    Color Attributes and Values (SCREEN)
    Graphics Command Summary         Paint Event