qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Properties, Events, and Methods
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 Properties, Events, and Methods
 ■ Visual Basic is a development system especially designed for creating
   form-based applications. One aspect of form design in Visual Basic is the
   ability to manipulate an object's appearance and behavior.
 ■ In addition to traditional language elements, Visual Basic provides you
   with new tools to develop form-based applications:
   • Properties define the appearance and behavior of forms and controls.
     See: Properties Summary
   • Events detect and respond to actions.
     See: Object Events Summary
   • Methods tell an object to perform certain actions.
     See: Methods Summary
 ■ Each of the following Help reference topics provide a list of properties,
   events, and methods by object:
         Form                        Controls Summary
         CLIPBOARD Object            PRINTER Object
         SCREEN Object