qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Entering Declarations in Code
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 Entering Declarations in Code
 ■ Declarations are pieces of nonexecutable code that name constants or
   variables and define their attributes (such as data type). You write
   declarations for form modules or code modules. To enter declarations, go
   to the module level of your code.
 ■ You can also enter declarations at the procedure level. For whatever code
   level and technique you use to declare a variable or constant, specific
   scoping rules may apply. See: Scope Rules
 ■ Visual Basic comes with a file called CONSTANT.BI that specifies system
   defaults such as colors, key codes, and default settings for properties
   and events. Rather than repeatedly declare these values, you can load
   CONSTANT.BI into the programming environment and modify it to meet your
   needs. To access information in this file, the $INCLUDE metacommand must
   be placed before executable statements in both form and code modules.
   See: $INCLUDE Metacommand