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MouRegister (1.2)
Overview                                            Up Next Previous
#define INCL_MOU
USHORT MouRegister(pszModuleName, pszEntryName, flFunctions)
PSZ pszModuleName;    /* module-name string */
PSZ pszEntryName;     /* entry-name string  */
ULONG flFunctions;    /* function flags     */
The MouRegister function registers a Mou subsystem for the specified mouse.
The function temporarily replaces the one (or more) default Mou functions,
as specified by the flFunctions parameter, with the functions in the module
pointed to by the pszModuleName parameter. Once MouRegister replaces a
function, MS OS/2 passes any subsequent calls to the replaced function to a
function in the given module. If a function is not replaced, MS OS/2
continues to call the default Mou function.
Parameter      Description
pszModuleName  Points to the null-terminated string that contains the name
               of the dynamic-link module containing the replacement Mou
pszEntryName   Points to the null-terminated string that contains the
               dynamic-link entry-point name of the function that replaces
               the specified Mou function. For a full description, see the
               following "Comments" section.
flFunctions    Specifies the flags of the Mou functions to replace. It can
               be any combination of the following values:
               Value                Meaning
               MR_MOUGETNUMBUTTONS  Replace MouGetNumButtons.
               MR_MOUGETNUMMICKEYS  Replace MouGetNumMickeys.
               MR_MOUGETDEVSTATUS   Replace MouGetDevStatus.
               MR_MOUGETNUMQUEEL    Replace MouGetNumQueEl.
               MR_MOUREADEVENTQUE   Replace MouReadEventQue.
               MR_MOUGETSCALEFACT   Replace MouGetScaleFact.
               MR_MOUGETEVENTMASK   Replace MouGetEventMask.
               MR_MOUSETSCALEFACT   Replace MouSetScaleFact.
               MR_MOUSETEVENTMASK   Replace MouSetEventMask.
               MR_MOUOPEN           Replace MouOpen.
               MR_MOUCLOSE          Replace MouClose.
               MR_MOUGETPTRSHAPE    Replace MouGetPtrShape.
               MR_MOUSETPTRSHAPE    Replace MouSetPtrShape.
               MR_MOUDRAWPTR        Replace MouDrawPtr.
               MR_MOUREMOVEPTR      Replace MouRemovePtr.
               MR_MOUGETPTRPOS      Replace MouGetPtrPos.
               MR_MOUSETPTRPOS      Replace MouSetPtrPos.
               MR_MOUINITREAL       Replace MouInitReal.
               MR_MOUSETDEVSTATUS   Replace MouSetDevStatus.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value, which may be one of the following:
MS OS/2 passes a Mou function to the given module by preparing the stack and
calling the function pointed to by the pszEntryName parameter. Specified
module must export the entry-point function name. The entry-point function
must check the function code on the stack to determine which function is
being requested, then pass control to the appropriate function in the
module. The entry-point function may then access any additional parameters
placed on the stack by the MouRegister function.
Only one process in a screen group may use the MouRegister function at any
given time. That is, only one process at a time can replace Mou functions.
The process can restore the default Mou functions by calling the
MouDeRegister function. A process can replace a Mou function any number of
times, but only by first restoring the default functions and then
reregistering the new functions.
The entry-point function (FuncName) must have the following form:
     SHORT FAR FuncName(usReserved1, usFunction, ulReserved2,
         usParam1, usParam2, usParam3, usParam4, usParam5)
     USHORT usReserved1;
     USHORT usFunction;
     ULONG ulReserved2;
     USHORT usParam1;
     USHORT usParam2;
     USHORT usParam3;
     USHORT usParam4;
     USHORT usParam5;
Parameter          Description
usReserved1        Specifies a reserved value that must not be changed. This
                   value represents a return address for the MS OS/2
                   function that routes Mou function calls.
usFunction         Specifies the function code that identifies the function
                   request. It can be one of the following values:
                   Value   Meaning
                   0x0000  MouGetNumButtons called.
                   0x0001  MouGetNumMickeys called.
                   0x0002  MouGetDevStatus called.
                   0x0003  MouGetNumQueEl called.
                   0x0004  MouReadEventQue called.
                   0x0005  MouGetScaleFact called.
                   0x0006  MouGetEventMask called.
                   0x0007  MouSetScaleFact called.
                   0x0008  MouSetEventMask called.
                   0x0009  MouGetHotKey called.
                   0x000A  MouSetHotKey called.
                   0x000B  MouOpen called.
                   0x000C  MouClose called.
                   0x000D  MouGetPtrShape called.
                   0x000E  MouSetPtrShape called.
                   0x000F  MouDrawPtr called.
                   0x0010  MouRemovePtr called.
                   0x0011  MouGetPtrPos called.
                   0x0012  MouSetPtrPos called.
                   0x0013  MouInitReal called.
                   0x0014  MouFlushQue called.
                   0x0015  MouSetDevStatus called.
ulReserved2        Specifies a reserved value that must not be changed. This
                   value represents the return address of the program that
                   calls the specified Mou function.
usParam1-usParam5  Specifies up to five values passed with the original Mou
                   function call. The actual number and type of parameters
                   used depend on the specific function.
The registered function should return -1 if it wants the original function
called, 0 if no error occurred, or an error value.
The entry-point function should determine which function is requested and
then carry out an appropriate action using the passed parameters. If
necessary, the entry-point function can call a replacement function within
the given module to carry out the task. The entry-point or replacement
function must leave the stack in the same state it was received. This is
required since the return addresses on the stack must be available in the
correct order to return control to the program that originally called the
MouRegister function.
In general, if the replacement function needs to access the mouse, it must
use the input-and-output control functions for the mouse.
The MouRegister function itself cannot be replaced.
See Also