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MouSetPtrPos (1.2)
Overview                                            Up Next Previous
#define INCL_MOU
USHORT MouSetPtrPos(pmouplPosition, hmou)
PPTRLOC pmouplPosition;    /* address of structure for new mouse position */
HMOU hmou;                 /* mouse handle                                */
The MouSetPtrPos function sets the current mouse position to the position
pointed to by the pmouplPosition parameter. If the pointer is visible, the
function moves the mouse pointer to the new location on the screen. The new
position is always in screen units and is relative to the upper-left corner
of the screen.
Parameter       Description
pmouplPosition  Points to the PTRLOC structure that contains the new mouse
hmou            Identifies the mouse. The handle must have been created
                previously by using the MouOpen function.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value, which may be one of the following:
MS OS/2 hides the pointer if the new position is in the exclusion rectangle
defined by the most recent call to the MouRemovePtr function.
This example creates a mouse handle and calls the MouSetPtrPos function to
initialize the mouse pointer in the upper-left corner of the screen. It then
calls the MouDrawPtr function to enable the mouse pointer to be drawn:
PTRLOC mouplPosition;
HMOU hmou;
MouOpen(0L, &hmou);
mouplPosition.row = 0;                  /* row zero            */
mouplPosition.col = 0;                  /* column zero         */
MouSetPtrPos(&mouplPosition, hmou);     /* sets mouse position */
See Also
MouDrawPtr, MouGetPtrPos, MouOpen, MouRemovePtr, PTRLOC