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VioCreateLogFont (1.2)
Function Group  Overview                          Up Next Previous
#define INCL_AVIO
USHORT VioCreateLogFont(pfat, lcid, pstr8Name, hvps)
PFATTRS pfat;       /* pointer to structure for font attributes    */
LONG lcid;          /* local identifier for font                   */
PSTR8 pstr8Name;    /* pointer to descriptive name of logical font */
HVPS hvps;          /* presentation-space handle                   */
The VioCreateLogFont function creates a logical font for the given advanced
video-input-and-output (AVIO) presentation space. A logical font is a list
of attributes, such as character size and weight, that specifies the font
used for writing text. When a font is needed, MS OS/2 chooses from the
available physical fonts the one that most closely matches the logical font.
A program may, however, force selection of a particular font by setting the
lMatch field in the FATTRS structure to the value returned for the requested
font by the VioQueryFonts function.
If the szFaceName field in the FATTRS structure is NULL and all of the
attributes except the code page are set to zero, the system default font is
selected, in the specified code page.
Parameter  Description
pfat       Points to the FATTRS structure that contains the attributes of
           the font.
lcid       Specifies the local identifier for the font. This parameter must
           be 1, 2, or 3. If the identifier is already being used to refer
           to a font or bitmap, the function returns an error.
pstr8Name  Points to an 8-character name that you may use to describe the
           logical font.
hvps       Identifies the AVIO presentation space. This presentation space
           must have been created previously by using the VioCreatePS
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value, indicating that an error occurred.
See Also
VioCreatePS, VioQueryFonts, FATTRS