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VioPopUp (1.2)
Overview                                            Up Next Previous
#define INCL_VIO
USHORT VioPopUp(pfWait, hvio)
PUSHORT pfWait;    /* pointer to variable for wait/no-wait flag */
HVIO hvio;         /* video handle                              */
The VioPopUp function opens a pop-up screen. A pop-up screen is a temporary
text-mode screen that a process can use to display error and warning
messages without altering the content of the foreground screen. Pop-up
screens are used typically by background processes to display messages when
the screen is not available.
The pop-up screen can be opaque or transparent, as specified by the flag
pointed to by the pfWait parameter. If the pop-up screen is opaque, the
function changes the screen mode (if the mode is not already set for 25
lines by 80 columns of text) and clears the screen, moving the cursor to the
upper-left corner. If the pop-up screen is transparent, the function uses
the current screen mode and leaves the screen and the cursor unchanged.
Once the pop-up screen is open, the process may call any of the following
Vio functions:
    VioEndPopUp         VioReadCellStr      VioSetFont
    VioGetAnsi          VioReadCharStr      VioSetState
    VioGetCp            VioScrollDn         VioWrtCellStr
    VioGetConfig        VioScrollLf         VioWrtCharStr
    VioGetCurPos        VioScrollRt         VioWrtCharStrAtt
    VioGetCurType       VioScrollUp         VioWrtNAttr
    VioGetFont          VioSetCp            VioWrtNCell
    VioGetMode          VioSetCurPos        VioWrtNChar
    VioGetState         VioSetCurType       VioWrtTTY
The process opening the pop-up screen receives all subsequent keyboard
input, and MS OS/2 disables the keys that it normally uses switch from one
screen group to another. While the pop-up screen is open, the process must
not access or modify the physical video buffer. Also, it must not call the
DosExecPgm function.
Only one pop-up screen may be open at any given time. If a process attempts
to open one pop-up screen while another is already open, the VioPopUp
function waits until the previous screen is closed before opening the new
Parameter  Description
pfWait     Points to the variable that specifies whether the pop-up screen
           is to be opaque or transparent, and whether the function should
           wait for any open pop-up screen to close. It can be any
           combination of either VP_NOWAIT or VP_WAIT and either VP_OPAQUE
           or VP_TRANSPARENT. These flags are defined as follows:
           Value           Meaning
           VP_NOWAIT       Return immediately if a pop-up screen already
           VP_WAIT         Wait if a pop-up screen already exists. The
                           function opens a new pop-up screen as soon as the
                           existing one is closed.
           VP_OPAQUE       Set the screen mode for 25 lines by 80 columns of
                           text, clear the screen, and move the cursor to
                           the upper-left corner.
           VP_TRANSPARENT  Create a transparent pop-up screen. The function
                           does not change the screen mode, clear the
                           screen, or move the cursor. To create a
                           transparent pop-up screen, the screen must be in
                           text mode already.
hvio       Identifies a reserved value. This parameter must be zero.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value, which may be one of the following:
Before opening a pop-up screen, MS OS/2 saves the physical video buffer of
the existing screen. While the pop-up screen is open, MS OS/2 blocks any
Vio functions called by the process that owns the previous screen. If this
process generates any output, MS OS/2 displays the output after the pop-up
screen closes.
You can close a pop-up screen by using the VioEndPopUp function.
VioEndPopUp restores the screen mode and the screen buffer; it also restores
keyboard input to the previous process and enables the key combination MS
OS/2 uses to switch screen groups. In some cases, the VioEndPopUp function
may not completely restore the screen. For these cases, use the VioModeWait
function to restore the screen.
You cannot use transparent pop-up screens if the foreground process has
called the VioSavRedrawWait function.
If a process registers a replacement VioPopUp function (by calling the
VioRegister function), MS OS/2 uses the replacement function only if the
foreground process requests a pop-up screen. If a background process
requests a pop-up screen, MS OS/2 uses the default VioPopUp function.
The VioPopUp function will return the error ERROR_VIO_SHELL_INIT if it is
called before the system has completed initialization during the boot
sequence. This can occur if the application calling VioPopUp is run as a
detached process from the config.sys file.
This example calls the VioPopUp function to create a pop-up screen, and
waits for the pop-up screen if another pop-up screen is already active:
VioPopUp(&fWait, 0);
    . /* message and user interaction would go here */
VioEndPopUp(0);    /* ends pop-up screen */
See Also
DosExecPgm, VioEndPopUp, VioGetPhysBuf, VioModeWait, VioRegister,