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VioRegister (1.2)
Overview                                            Up Next Previous
#define INCL_VIO
USHORT VioRegister(pszModuleName, pszEntryName, flFunction1,
PSZ pszModuleName;    /* pointer to module name      */
PSZ pszEntryName;     /* pointer to entry-point name */
ULONG flFunction1;    /* function flag 1             */
ULONG flFunction2;    /* function flag 2             */
The VioRegister function registers a Vio subsystem within a screen group.
VioRegister temporarily replaces one or more default Vio functions, as
specified by the flFunction1 and flFunction2 parameters, with the functions
pointed to by the pszModuleName parameter. Once VioRegister replaces a
function, MS OS/2 passes any subsequent call to the replaced function to a
function in the given module. If you do not replace a function, MS OS/2
continues to call the default Vio function.
Parameter      Description
pszModuleName  Points to the null-terminated string that specifies the name
               of the dynamic-link module containing the replacement Vio
               functions. The string must be a valid filename.
pszEntryName   Points to the null-terminated string that specifies the
               dynamic-link entry-point name of the function that replaces
               the specified Vio functions. For a full description, see the
               following "Comments" section.
flFunction1    Specifies the Vio function(s) to replace. This parameter can
               be any combination of the following values:
               Value                Meaning
               VR_VIOGETCURPOS      Replace VioGetCurPos.
               VR_VIOGETCURTYPE     Replace VioGetCurType.
               VR_VIOGETMODE        Replace VioGetMode.
               VR_VIOGETBUF         Replace VioGetBuf.
               VR_VIOGETPHYSBUF     Replace VioGetPhysBuf.
               VR_VIOSETCURPOS      Replace VioSetCurPos.
               VR_VIOSETCURTYPE     Replace VioSetCurType.
               VR_VIOSETMODE        Replace VioSetMode.
               VR_VIOSHOWBUF        Replace VioShowBuf.
               VR_VIOREADCHARSTR    Replace VioReadCharStr.
               VR_VIOREADCELLSTR    Replace VioReadCellStr.
               VR_VIOWRTNCHAR       Replace VioWrtNChar.
               VR_VIOWRTNATTR       Replace VioWrtNAttr.
               VR_VIOWRTNCELL       Replace VioWrtNCell.
               VR_VIOWRTTTY         Replace VioWrtTTY.
               VR_VIOWRTCHARSTR     Replace VioWrtCharStr.
               VR_VIOWRTCHARSTRATT  Replace VioWrtCharStrAtt.
               VR_VIOWRTCELLSTR     Replace VioWrtCellStr.
               VR_VIOSCROLLUP       Replace VioScrollUp.
               VR_VIOSCROLLDN       Replace VioScrollDn.
               VR_VIOSCROLLLF       Replace VioScrollLf.
               VR_VIOSCROLLRT       Replace VioScrollRt.
               VR_VIOSETANSI        Replace VioSetAnsi.
               VR_VIOGETANSI        Replace VioGetAnsi.
               VR_VIOPRTSC          Replace VioPrtSc.
               VR_VIOSCRLOCK        Replace VioScrLock.
               VR_VIOSCRUNLOCK      Replace VioScrUnLock.
               VR_VIOSAVREDRAWWAIT  Replace VioSavRedrawWait.
               VR_VIOSAVREDRAWUNDO  Replace VioSavRedrawUndo.
               VR_VIOPOPUP          Replace VioPopUp.
               VR_VIOENDPOPUP       Replace VioEndPopUp.
               VR_VIOPRTSCTOGGLE    Replace VioPrtScToggle.
flFunction2    Specifies the Vio function(s) to replace. This parameter can
               be any combination of the following values:
               Value            Meaning
               VR_VIOMODEWAIT   Replace VioModeWait.
               VR_VIOMODEUNDO   Replace VioModeUndo.
               VR_VIOGETFONT    Replace VioGetFont.
               VR_VIOGETCONFIG  Replace VioGetConfig.
               VR_VIOSETCP      Replace VioSetCp.
               VR_VIOGETCP      Replace VioGetCp.
               VR_VIOSETFONT    Replace VioSetFont.
               VR_VIOGETSTATE   Replace VioGetState.
               VR_VIOSETSTATE   Replace VioSetState.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value, which may be one of the following:
MS OS/2 passes a Vio function to the given module by preparing the stack and
calling the function pointed to by the pszEntryName parameter. The specified
module must export the entry-point function name. The entry-point function
must determine which function is being requested (by checking the function
code on the stack), then pass control to the appropriate function in the
module. The entry-point function may then access any additional parameters
placed on the stack by the original call.
Only one process in a screen group may use the VioRegister function at any
given time. That is, only one process at a time can replace Vio functions.
The process can restore the default Vio functions by calling the
VioDeRegister function. A process can replace Vio functions any number of
times, but only by first restoring the default functions and then
reregistering the new functions.
The entry-point function (FuncName) must have the following form:
     SHORT FAR FuncName(selDataSeg, usReserved1, fFunction, ulReserved2,
         usParam1, usParam2, usParam3, usParam4, usParam5, usParam6)
     SEL selDataSeg;
     USHORT usReserved1;
     USHORT fFunction;
     ULONG ulReserved2;
     USHORT usParam1;
     USHORT usParam2;
     USHORT usParam3;
     USHORT usParam4;
     USHORT usParam5;
     USHORT usParam6;
Parameter           Description
selDataSeg          Specifies the data segment selector of the process
                    calling the Vio function.
usReserved1         Specifies a reserved value that must not be changed.
                    This value represents a return address for the MS OS/2
                    function that routes calls to Vio functions.
fFunction           Specifies the function code of the function request.
                    This parameter can be one of the following values:
                    Value   Meaning
                    0x0000  VioGetPhysBuf called.
                    0x0001  VioGetBuf called.
                    0x0002  VioShowBuf called.
                    0x0003  VioGetCurPos called.
                    0x0004  VioGetCurType called.
                    0x0005  VioGetMode called.
                    0x0006  VioSetCurPos called.
                    0x0007  VioSetCurType called.
                    0x0008  VioSetMode called.
                    0x0009  VioReadCharStr called.
                    0x000A  VioReadCellStr called.
                    0x000B  VioWrtNChar called.
                    0x000C  VioWrtNAttr called.
                    0x000D  VioWrtNCell called.
                    0x000E  VioWrtCharStr called.
                    0x000F  VioWrtCharStrAtt called.
                    0x0010  VioWrtCellStr called.
                    0x0011  VioWrtTTY called.
                    0x0012  VioScrollUp called.
                    0x0013  VioScrollDn called.
                    0x0014  VioScrollLf called.
                    0x0015  VioScrollRt called.
                    0x0016  VioSetAnsi called.
                    0x0017  VioGetAnsi called.
                    0x0018  VioPrtSc called.
                    0x0019  VioScrLock called.
                    0x001A  VioScrUnLock called.
                    0x001B  VioSavRedrawWait called.
                    0x001C  VioSavRedrawUndo called.
                    0x001D  VioPopUp called.
                    0x001E  VioEndPopUp called.
                    0x001F  VioPrtScToggle called.
                    0x0020  VioModeWait called.
                    0x0021  VioModeUndo called.
                    0x0022  VioGetFont called.
                    0x0023  VioGetConfig called.
                    0x0024  VioSetCp called.
                    0x0025  VioGetCp called.
                    0x0026  VioSetFont called.
                    0x0027  VioGetState called.
                    0x0028  VioSetState called.
ulReserved2         Specifies a reserved value that must not be changed.
                    This value represents the return address of the program
                    that calls the specified Vio function.
usParam1──usParam6  Specifies up to six values passed with the original call
                    to the Vio function. Not all requests include all six
                    parameters since not all Vio functions use six
                    parameters. The number and type of parameters used
                    depend on the specific function.
The entry-point function should determine which function is requested and
then carry out an appropriate action by using the passed parameters. The
entry-point function can call a function within the same module to carry out
the task. The entry-point or replacement function must leave the stack in
the same state as it was received. This is required since the return
addresses on the stack must be available in the correct order to return
control to the program that originally called the VioRegister function.
The registered function should return -1 if it wants the original function
called, 0 if no error occurred, or an error value.
In general, if the function needs to access the display, it must use the
input-and-output control functions for the display.
The VioRegister function itself cannot be replaced.
If a process replaces the VioPopUp function, only the foreground process has
access to the replacement function. Background processes continue to call
the default VioPopUp function.
See Also
VioDeRegister, VioPopUp, VioSetCurPos