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VioScrUnLock (1.2)
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#define INCL_VIO
USHORT VioScrUnLock(hvio)
HVIO hvio;    /* video handle */
The VioScrUnLock function unlocks the screen previously locked by the
The VioScrUnLock function is a family API function.
Parameter  Description
hvio       Identifies an advanced video-input-and-output (AVIO) presentation
           space. For AVIO programs, this handle must have been created
           previously using the VioCreatePS function. For other programs,
           hvio must be NULL.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value, which may be one of the following:
This example calls the VioScrLock function to lock the screen, then calls
VioScrUnLock to unlock the screen:
USHORT fNotLocked;
VioScrLock(LOCKIO_WAIT, &fNotLocked, 0);
See Also
VioCreatePS, VioScrLock