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Article Q33034
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 How to Trap CTRL+BREAK, CTRL+C on Standard & Enhanced Keyboard - Q33034
 The scan code for the BREAK key is &H46. The CTRL+BREAK keystroke
 combination is trapped differently, depending on whether or not the
 program is run on a standard or enhanced keyboard.
 For a standard keyboard, CTRL+BREAK is defined as follows:
    KEY n, CHR$(&H04) + CHR$(&H46)
 where n is in the range 15 through 25.
 On an enhanced keyboard, CTRL+BREAK is defined as follows:
    KEY n, CHR$(&H84) + CHR$(&H46)
 Please note that you must make separate user-defined KEY statements
 for trapping CTRL+BREAK in combination with the SHIFT, ALT, NUM LOCK,
 and CAPS LOCK keys. The keyboard flags for these other keystroke
 combinations must be added together to define a given keystroke
 See the following examples for:
    Trapping CTRL+BREAK
    Trapping CTRL+C
 (when the SHIFT, ALT, NUM LOCK, or CAPS LOCK keys are NOT active).