Virtual Devices (3.1) (vdag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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BlockDev_Command_Block  STRUC
BD_CB_Next              dd      ?
BD_CB_Command           dw      ?
BD_CB_Cmd_Status        dw      ?
BD_CB_Flags             dd      ?
BD_CB_Cmd_Cplt_Proc     dd      ?
BD_CB_Sector            dq      ?
BD_CB_Count             dd      ?
BD_CB_Buffer_Ptr        dd      ?
BD_CB_Reserved_Client   dd      ?
BD_CB_Reserved_BlockDev dd      ?
BD_CB_Reserved_FastDisk dd      ?
BlockDev_Command_Block  ENDS
The BlockDev_Command_Block structure contains information about a block
device command.
Member                   Description
BD_CB_Next               Points to the next command in the command list.
BD_CB_Command            Specifies the command to carry out. It can be one
                         of the following values:
                         Value       Meaning
                         BDC_Read    Read from device
                         BDC_Write   Write to device
                         BDC_Verify  Verify read or write
                         BDC_Cancel  Cancel command
                         Command values in the range 8000h through 0FFFFh
                         are reserved for device-specific commands.
BD_CB_Cmd_Status         Specifies the status of the command. It can be one
                         of the following values:
                         Value                      Meaning
                         BDS_Success                Command completed
                         BDS_Success_With_Retries   Command completed
                                                    successfully after
                         BDS_Success_With_ECC       Command completed
                                                    successfully after error
                         BDS_Invalid_Sector_Number  Invalid sector number
                         BDS_Canceled               Command was canceled
                         BDS_Cmd_In_Progress        Can't cancel command in
                         BDS_Invalid_Cmd_Ptr        Cancel of invalid
                                                    command pointer
                         BDS_Media_Error            Read or write failed
                         BDS_Device_Error           Device or adapter
                         BDS_Invalid_Command        Invalid command
                         All values below BDS_First_Error_Code (10h) imply
                         successful completion; error values are greater
                         than or equal to BDS_First_Error_Code.
BD_CB_Flags              Specifies additional actions to take when carrying
                         out the command. This field can be a combination of
                         the following values:
                         Value                Meaning
                         BDCF_High_Priority   High priority
                         BDCF_Scatter_Gather  Scatter or gather
                         BDCF_Dont_Cache      Noncached command
BD_CB_Cmd_Cplt_Proc      Points to the command-completion callback
BD_CB_Sector             Specifies the count of sectors for the block
BD_CB_Count              Specifies the count.
BD_CB_Buffer_Ptr         Points to the buffer.
BD_CB_Reserved_Client    Reserved.
BD_CB_Reserved_BlockDev  Reserved.
BD_CB_Reserved_FastDisk  Reserved.