win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
WinBroadcastMsg (1.2)
Function Group  Overview  Changes               Up Next Previous
BOOL WinBroadcastMsg(hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2, fs)
HWND hwnd;     /* handle of the parent window */
USHORT msg;    /* message                     */
MPARAM mp1;    /* message parameter           */
MPARAM mp2;    /* message parameter           */
USHORT fs;     /* windows to send message to  */
The WinBroadcastMsg function broadcasts a message to multiple windows. This
function sends or posts a message to all immediate child windows of the
specified window.
Parameter  Description
hwnd       Identifies the window whose immediate child windows will receive
           the message. If this parameter is HWND_DESKTOP, the function
           sends the message to all main windows on the screen.
msg        Specifies the message.
mp1        Specifies the first message parameter.
mp2        Specifies the second message parameter.
fs         Specifies which windows to send the message to, and whether the
           message should be sent or posted. The value consists of a flag
           from each of the following lists combined using the OR operator.
           The following list contains the values specifying which windows
           to broadcast the message to:
           Destination       Meaning
           BMSG_DESCENDANTS  Post or send the message to hwnd and all of its
           BMSG_FRAMEONLY    Post or send the message to frame windows
           The following list contains the values specifying how to
           broadcast the message (send or post):
           Value           Meaning
           BMSG_POST       Post a message to all child windows of the window
                           specified by the hwnd parameter.
           BMSG_POSTQUEUE  Post a message to all threads that have a message
                           queue. The message's hwnd parameter will be
           BMSG_SEND       Send a message to all children of the window
                           specified by the hwnd parameter.
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if the function is successful or FALSE if an error
See Also
WinPostMsg, WinSendMsg