win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Win functions (1.2)
Function Groups  Overviews  Changes             Up Next Previous
WinAddAtom                 Adds an atom to an atom table
WinAddProgram              Adds a program entry to Desktop Manager
WinAddSwitchEntry          Adds an entry to the switch list
WinAlarm                   Generates an audible alarm
WinAllocMem                Allocates memory from the heap space
WinAssociateHelpInstance   Associates a help instance
WinAvailMem                Returns size of largest free block on the heap
WinBeginEnumWindows        Begins an enumeration process
WinBeginPaint              Obtains a presentation space ready for drawing
WinBroadcastMsg            Broadcasts a message to multiple windows
WinCalcFrameRect           Calculates a window rectangle
WinCallMsgFilter           Calls a message-filter hook
WinCancelShutdown          Allows thread to continue after a WM_QUIT message
WinCatch                   Captures the current execution environment
WinChangeSwitchEntry       Changes information in the switch list
WinCloseClipbrd            Closes the clipboard
WinCompareStrings          Compares two strings
WinCopyAccelTable          Copies an accelerator table
WinCopyRect                Copies a rectangle
WinCpTranslateChar         Translates a character between code pages
WinCpTranslateString       Translates a string between code pages
WinCreateAccelTable        Creates an accelerator table
WinCreateAtomTable         Creates an empty atom table
WinCreateCursor            Creates a cursor for a specified window
WinCreateDlg               Creates a dialog window
WinCreateFrameControls     Creates the standard frame controls
WinCreateGroup             Creates a new program group in Desktop Manager
WinCreateHeap              Creates a heap
WinCreateHelpInstance      Creates a help instance
WinCreateHelpTable         Replaces a help table
WinCreateMenu              Creates a menu window
WinCreateMsgQueue          Creates a message queue
WinCreatePointer           Creates a pointer from a bitmap
WinCreatePointerIndirect   Creates a color pointer from a bitmap
WinCreateStdWindow         Creates a standard frame window
WinCreateSwitchEntry       Creates an entry in the Task List
WinCreateWindow            Creates a window
WinDdeInitiate             Sends a WM_DDE_INITIATE message to all windows
WinDdePostMsg              Posts a message to a message queue
WinDdeRespond              Responds to sender of a WM_DDE_INITIATE message
WinDefAVioWindowProc       Calls the default AVIO window procedure
WinDefDlgProc              Calls the default dialog procedure
WinDefWindowProc           Calls the default window procedure
WinDeleteAtom              Deletes an atom from an atom table
WinDeleteLibrary           Deletes a dynamic-link library
WinDeleteProcedure         Deletes a procedure
WinDestroyAccelTable       Destroys an accelerator table
WinDestroyAtomTable        Destroys an atom table
WinDestroyCursor           Destroys the current cursor
WinDestroyHeap             Destroys a heap
WinDestroyHelpInstance     Destroys a help instance
WinDestroyMsgQueue         Destroys a message queue
WinDestroyPointer          Destroys a pointer or icon
WinDestroyWindow           Destroys a window
WinDismissDlg              Hides a dialog window
WinDispatchMsg             Dispatches a message
WinDlgBox                  Loads and processes a modal dialog box
WinDrawBitmap              Draws a bitmap
WinDrawBorder              Draws a border
WinDrawPointer             Draws a pointer
WinDrawText                Draws a single line of formatted text
WinEmptyClipbrd            Empties the clipboard
WinEnablePhysInput         Enables or disables queuing of physical input
WinEnableWindow            Sets the window-enabled state
WinEnableWindowUpdate      Enables window updating
WinEndEnumWindows          Ends the enumeration process
WinEndPaint                Indicates that redrawing of a window is complete
WinEnumClipbrdFmts         Enumerates the list of clipboard data formats
WinEnumDlgItem             Returns the window handle of a dialog item
WinEqualRect               Compares two rectangles for equality
WinExcludeUpdateRegion     Excludes an update region
WinFillRect                Draws a filled rectangular area
WinFindAtom                Finds an atom in the atom table
WinFlashWindow             Starts or stops flashing a window
WinFocusChange             Changes the focus
WinFormatFrame             Calculates sizes and positions of frame controls
WinFreeErrorInfo           Frees memory allocated for error information
WinFreeMem                 Frees memory from the heap
WinGetClipPS               Retrieves a clipped presentation space
WinGetCurrentTime          Retrieves the current time
WinGetDlgMsg               Retrieves a dialog message
WinGetErrorInfo            Retrieves the error information
WinGetKeyState             Retrieves the key state
WinGetLastError            Retrieves the last error state
WinGetMaxPosition          Retrieves the maximized-window position
WinGetMinPosition          Retrieves the minimized-window position
WinGetMsg                  Retrieves a message from a message queue
WinGetNextWindow           Retrieves next window from enumeration list
WinGetPhysKeyState         Retrieves the physical key state
WinGetPS                   Retrieves a cached presentation space
WinGetScreenPS             Retrieves a screen presentation space
WinGetSysBitmap            Retrieves a handle to a standard system bitmap
WinInflateRect             Expands a rectangle
WinInitialize              Initializes thread for Presentation Manager calls
WinInSendMsg               Determines whether thread is processing a message
WinInstStartApp            Start an installed application
WinIntersectRect           Calculates intersection of two source rectangles
WinInvalidateRect          Adds a rectangle to a window's update region
WinInvalidateRegion        Adds a region to a window's update region
WinInvertRect              Inverts a rectangular area
WinIsChild                 Tests whether one window is descendant of another
WinIsPhysInputEnabled      Determines whether physical input is enabled
WinIsRectEmpty             Determines whether a rectangle is empty
WinIsThreadActive          Determines thread ownership
WinIsWindow                Determines whether a window is valid
WinIsWindowEnabled         Determines whether a window is enabled
WinIsWindowShowing         Determines whether any part of window is showing
WinIsWindowVisible         Determines whether a window is visible
WinLoadAccelTable          Loads an accelerator table
WinLoadDlg                 Creates a dialog window from a resource
WinLoadHelpTable           Loads a help table
WinLoadLibrary             Loads a dynamic-link library
WinLoadMenu                Creates a menu window from a resource
WinLoadMessage             Loads a message from a resource
WinLoadPointer             Loads a pointer resource
WinLoadProcedure           Loads a window procedure from a library
WinLoadString              Loads a string from a resource
WinLockHeap                Returns a far address to the beginning of a heap
WinLockVisRegions          Locks/unlocks visible regions of all windows
WinLockWindow              Locks or unlocks a window
WinLockWindowUpdate        Prevents/allows drawing to a window
WinMapDlgPoints            Converts coordinates between window and a dialog
WinMapWindowPoints         Converts set of points between coordinate spaces
WinMessageBox              Creates, displays, and operates a message box
WinMsgMuxSemWait           Waits for one or more semaphores to clear
WinMsgSemWait              Waits for a semaphore to clear
WinMultWindowFromIDs       Finds the handles of child windows
WinNextChar                Moves to the next character in a string
WinOffsetRect              Offsets a rectangle
WinOpenClipbrd             Opens the clipboard
WinOpenWindowDC            Opens a device context for a window
WinPeekMsg                 Inspects the thread's message queue
WinPostMsg                 Posts message to specified window's message queue
WinPostQueueMsg            Posts message to any message queue in the system
WinPrevChar                Moves to the previous character in a string
WinProcessDlg              Processes modal dialog messages
WinPtInRect                Determines whether a point is within a rectangle
WinQueryAccelTable         Determines an accelerator table
WinQueryActiveWindow       Retrieves the handle to the active window
WinQueryAnchorBlock        Retrieves an anchor-block handle
WinQueryAtomLength         Retrieves the length of an atom
WinQueryAtomName           Retrieves the name of an atom
WinQueryAtomUsage          Retrieves the usage count of an atom
WinQueryCapture            Retrieves handle to the window with mouse capture
WinQueryClassInfo          Retrieves window-class information
WinQueryClassName          Retrieves the name of a window class
WinQueryClipbrdData        Retrieves a handle to the current clipboard
WinQueryClipbrdFmtInfo     Retrieves the format of data on the clipboard
WinQueryClipbrdOwner       Retrieves a handle to the clipboard owner window
WinQueryClipbrdViewer      Retrieves a handle to the clipboard viewer window
WinQueryCp                 Retrieves the queue code-page identifier
WinQueryCpList             Retrieves identifiers of available code pages
WinQueryCursorInfo         Retrieves information about the current cursor
WinQueryDefinition         Retrieves program information
WinQueryDesktopWindow      Retrieves a handle to the desktop window
WinQueryDlgItemShort       Translates the text of a dialog item
WinQueryDlgItemText        Retrieves the text of a dialog item
WinQueryDlgItemTextLength  Retrieves the length of text in a dialog item
WinQueryFocus              Retrieves a handle to the focus window
WinQueryHelpInstance       Finds a help instance
WinQueryMsgPos             Retrieves the position of a message
WinQueryMsgTime            Retrieves the time at which a message was posted
WinQueryObjectWindow       Retrieves a handle to the desktop object window
WinQueryPointer            Retrieves a handle to the mouse pointer
WinQueryPointerInfo        Retrieves mouse-pointer information
WinQueryPointerPos         Retrieves the position of the mouse pointer
WinQueryPresParam          Queries presentation parameters
WinQueryProfileData        Retrieves information from the os2.ini file
WinQueryProfileInt         Retrieves an integer from the os2.ini file
WinQueryProfileSize        Retrieves a keyname's size from the os2.ini file
WinQueryProfileString      Retrieves a string from the os2.ini file
WinQueryProgramTitles      Retrieves information about programs in a group
WinQueryQueueInfo          Retrieves queue information
WinQueryQueueStatus        Retrieves the status of a message queue
WinQuerySessionTitle       Retrieves the application's title
WinQuerySwitchEntry        Retrieves a copy of the Task List data
WinQuerySwitchHandle       Retrieves the switch-list handle
WinQuerySwitchList         Obtains information from the Task List
WinQuerySysColor           Retrieves a system color
WinQuerySysModalWindow     Retrieves the system-modal window
WinQuerySysPointer         Retrieves a handle to the system pointer
WinQuerySystemAtomTable    Retrieves a handle to the system atom table
WinQuerySysValue           Retrieves a system value
WinQueryTaskSizePos        Retrieves size, position, and status for window
WinQueryTaskTitle          Retrieves an application title
WinQueryUpdateRect         Retrieves an update rectangle of a window
WinQueryUpdateRegion       Retrieves the update region of a window
WinQueryVersion            Retrieves the version and revision numbers
WinQueryWindow             Retrieves the handle to a window
WinQueryWindowDC           Retrieves the device context of a window
WinQueryWindowLockCount    Retrieves the window lock count
WinQueryWindowPos          Retrieves the size and position of a window
WinQueryWindowProcess      Retrieves process and thread identifiers
WinQueryWindowPtr          Retrieves a pointer from reserved memory
WinQueryWindowRect         Retrieves the coordinates of a window
WinQueryWindowText         Copies window text into a buffer
WinQueryWindowTextLength   Retrieves the length of window text
WinQueryWindowULong        Retrieves a ULONG value from reserved memory
WinQueryWindowUShort       Retrieves an integer from reserved memory
WinReallocMem              Reallocates memory in the heap
WinRegisterClass           Registers a window class
WinRegisterWindowDestroy   Notifies applications when a window is destroyed
WinReleaseHook             Releases an application hook from a hook chain
WinReleasePS               Releases a cached presentation space
WinRemovePresParam         Removes a presentation parameter
WinRemoveSwitchEntry       Removes an entry from the switch list
WinScrollWindow            Scrolls the contents of a window rectangle
WinSendDlgItemMsg          Sends a message to a dialog item
WinSendMsg                 Sends a message to a window
WinSetAccelTable           Sets an accelerator table
WinSetActiveWindow         Sets the active window
WinSetCapture              Captures all mouse messages
WinSetClipbrdData          Puts data on the clipboard
WinSetClipbrdOwner         Sets the current clipboard owner window
WinSetClipbrdViewer        Sets the current clipboard viewer window
WinSetCp                   Sets the queue code-page identifier
WinSetDlgItemShort         Sets dialog text to an integer
WinSetDlgItemText          Sets the text in a dialog item
WinSetFocus                Sets the focus window
WinSetHook                 Installs a hook
WinSetKeyboardStateTable   Gets or sets the keyboard state
WinSetMultWindowPos        Sets multiple window positions
WinSetOwner                Changes the owner window
WinSetParent               Changes the handle to the parent window
WinSetPointer              Sets the mouse pointer
WinSetPointerPos           Sets the position of the mouse pointer
WinSetPresParam            Sets presentation parameters
WinSetRect                 Sets the coordinates of a rectangle
WinSetRectEmpty            Sets a rectangle to empty
WinSetSysColors            Sets the system colors
WinSetSysModalWindow       Makes a window system modal
WinSetSysValue             Sets a system value
WinSetWindowBits           Writes into a bit field
WinSetWindowPos            Sets the size and position of a window
WinSetWindowPtr            Places a pointer in reserved memory
WinSetWindowText           Sets the window text
WinSetWindowULong          Places a ULONG value in reserved memory
WinSetWindowUShort         Places an integer in reserved memory
WinShowCursor              Shows or hides the cursor
WinShowPointer             Shows or hides the mouse pointer
WinShowTrackRect           Shows or hides a tracking rectangle
WinShowWindow              Sets the visibility state of a window
WinStartTimer              Starts a timer
WinStopTimer               Stops a timer
WinSubclassWindow          Creates a subclass of a window
WinSubstituteStrings       Performs a string substitution
WinSubtractRect            Subtracts rectangles
WinSwitchToProgram         Makes an application the active application
WinTerminate               Terminates an application thread
WinTerminateApp            Terminates an application
WinThrow                   Restores the execution environment
WinTrackRect               Draws a tracking rectangle
WinTranslateAccel          Translates a WM_CHAR message
WinUnionRect               Calculates a union rectangle
WinUpdateWindow            Updates a window
WinUpper                   Converts a string to uppercase
WinUpperChar               Converts a character to uppercase
WinValidateRect            Validates a rectangle
WinValidateRegion          Validates a region
WinWaitMsg                 Waits for a filtered message
WinWindowFromDC            Retrieves a window handle from a device context
WinWindowFromID            Returns the handle to a child window
WinWindowFromPoint         Finds a window below a point
WinWriteProfileData        Places binary data in the os2.ini file
WinWriteProfileString      Places a string in the os2.ini file