win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
WinCreateHelpTable (1.2)
Function Group  Message group  Overview         Up Next Previous
BOOL WinCreateHelpTable(hwndHelpInstance, phtHelpTable)
HWND hwndHelpInstance;      /* handle of help instance              */
PHELPTABLE phtHelpTable;    /* pointer to structure with help table */
The WinCreateHelpTable function replaces the existing help table (if any)
with the help table pointed to by phtHelpTable.
Parameter         Description
hwndHelpInstance  Identifies the help instance. It must have been previously
                  created using the WinCreateHelpInstance function.
phtHelpTable      Points to a HELPTABLE structure containing window and
                  corresponding help panel IDs.
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if the function is successful or FALSE if an error
Applications can use this function to replace a help instance's initial help
table or to set the table if no initial help table is given. The initial
help table is specified in the HELPINIT structure when the help instance is
created with the WinCreateHelpInstance function. The function replaces the
help table without freeing any memory or resources associated with the
initial help table.
See Also