win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
WinValidateRegion (1.2)
Function Group  Overview                          Up Next Previous
BOOL WinValidateRegion(hwnd, hrgn, fIncludeChildren)
HWND hwnd;                /* handle of the window       */
HRGN hrgn;                /* handle of the valid region */
BOOL fIncludeChildren;    /* inclusion flag             */
The WinValidateRegion function subtracts a region from the update region of
an asynchronous paint window, marking that part of the window as visually
valid. This function has no effect on the window if any part of the window
has been made invalid since the last call to a WinBeginPaint,
WinQueryUpdateRect, or WinQueryUpdateRegion function. This function is not
used for CS_SYNCPAINT windows.
Parameter         Description
hwnd              Identifies the window whose update region is changed. If
                  hwnd is HWND_DESKTOP, the function applies to the whole
                  screen (or desktop).
hrgn              Identifies the region that is subtracted from the window's
                  update region.
fIncludeChildren  Specifies the validation scope. If the fIncludeChildren
                  parameter is TRUE, the function includes the descendants
                  of hwnd in the valid region. If fIncludeChildren is FALSE,
                  the function does not include the descendants of hwnd in
                  the valid region.
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if the function is successful or FALSE if an error
See Also
WinBeginPaint, WinQueryUpdateRect, WinQueryUpdateRegion, WinValidateRect