win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Dialog-and-message-box functions (1.2)
Function Groups  Overview                         Up Next Previous
WinAlarm                   Generates an audible alarm
WinCreateDlg               Creates a dialog window
WinDefDlgProc              Calls the default dialog procedure
WinDestroyWindow           Destroys a window
WinDismissDlg              Hides a dialog window
WinDlgBox                  Loads and processes a modal dialog box
WinEnumDlgItem             Returns the window handle of a dialog item
WinLoadDlg                 Creates a dialog window from a resource
WinMapDlgPoints            Converts coordinates between window and a dialog
WinMessageBox              Creates, displays, and operates a message box
WinProcessDlg              Processes modal dialog messages
WinQueryDlgItemShort       Translates the text of a dialog item
WinQueryDlgItemText        Retrieves the text of a dialog item
WinQueryDlgItemTextLength  Retrieves the length of text in a dialog item
WinSendDlgItemMsg          Sends a message to a dialog item
WinSetDlgItemShort         Sets dialog text to an integer
WinSetDlgItemText          Sets the text in a dialog item
WinSubstituteStrings       Performs a string substitution