win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Prf functions (1.2)
Function Groups                                     Up Next Previous
PrfAddProgram            Adds a program title to Desktop Manager
PrfChangeProgram         Changes program information in Desktop Manager
PrfCloseProfile          Closes a profile file
PrfCreateGroup           Creates a new program group in Desktop Manager
PrfDestroyGroup          Removes a group from Desktop Manager
PrfOpenProfile           Opens a profile file
PrfQueryDefinition       Retrieves program information
PrfQueryProfile          Retrieves profile filenames
PrfQueryProfileData      Retrieves information from the profile file
PrfQueryProfileInt       Retrieves an integer from the profile file
PrfQueryProfileSize      Retrieves a keyname's size from the program file
PrfQueryProfileString    Retrieves a string from the profile file
PrfQueryProgramCategory  Retrieves the program type
PrfQueryProgramHandle    Retrieves program handles for a file
PrfQueryProgramTitles    Retrieves information about programs in a group
PrfRemoveProgram         Removes a program definition from Desktop Manager
PrfReset                 Resets Presentation Manager
PrfWriteProfileData      Places binary data in the profile file
PrfWriteProfileString    Places a string in the profile file