Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Call Stack-Based Procedures
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  Syntax:   INVOKE expression [,arguments]
  See also: Procedure Diagram, PROTO, .MODEL, OPTION LANGUAGE:
     Automates the call interface to stack-based procedures. Handles all
     pushing of parameters onto the stack. Cleans up the stack when the
     procedure returns.
     The <invokelist> is passed to the procedure according to the types
     given in that procedure's prototype. If necessary, the assembler
     will generate code to convert the elements of <invokelist> to the
     types specified in the prototype.
     Parameter      Description
     expression     Expression yielding address or label of procedure
                    to be called. Must resolve to a valid address and
                    cannot include any forward references.
     arguments      Sequential list of parameters passed. Can be
                    register::register (for a register pair), expression,
                    or ADDR label. ADDR label passes the address of
                    <label> (segment and offset if DWORD, segment only
                    if WORD) to the procedure.