dos12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
DosQFSAttach (1.2)
Function Group  Overview                          Up Next Previous
USHORT DosQFSAttach(pszDev, usOrdinal, usInfoLevel, pFSAttBuf,
    pcbAttBuf, ulReserved);
PSZ pszDev;            /* pointer to drive or device                      */
USHORT usOrdinal;      /* index to drive or device                        */
USHORT usInfoLevel;    /* level of information                            */
PBYTE pFSAttBuf;       /* pointer to structure for file-system attributes */
PUSHORT pcbAttBuf;     /* pointer to structure length                     */
ULONG ulReserved;      /* must be zero                                    */
The DosQFSAttach function queries information about an attached remote file
system or a local file system. The function can also query information about
a character device or pseudo-character device attached to a local or remote
file system.
Parameter    Description
pszDev       Points to a null-terminated string that specifies the drive
             letter followed by a colon or to the name of a character or
             pseudo-character device. If this parameter is a character or
             pseudo-character device name, the format of the string is
             \device\filename, where filename is a valid MS OS/2 filename.
             This parameter is ignored if the usInfoLevel parameter is set
             to either FSAIL_DEVNUMBER or FSAIL_DRVNUMBER.
usOrdinal    Specifies an index into the list of character or
             pseudo-character devices or the set of drives. The first item
             in the list is always 1. This parameter is ignored if the
             usInfoLevel parameter is set to FSAIL_QUERYNAME.
usInfoLevel  Specifies the type of information requested. This parameter can
             be one of the following values:
             Value            Meaning
             FSAIL_QUERYNAME  Returns information about the drive or device
                              pointed to by the pszDev parameter. When this
                              value is specified, the usOrdinal parameter is
             FSAIL_DEVNUMBER  Returns information about the character or
                              pseudo-character device specified by the
                              usOrdinal parameter. When this value is
                              specified, the pszDev parameter is ignored.
             FSAIL_DRVNUMBER  Returns information about the drive specified
                              by the usOrdinal parameter. When this value is
                              specified, the pszDev parameter is ignored.
pFSAttBuf    Points to the buffer that receives information about the file
             system. The buffer is organized as a FSQBUFFER structure.
             Because the name fields can vary in length, however, the
             structure cannot be used directly to retrieve the data.
pcbAttBuf    Points to a variable. When this function is called, the
             variable specifies the length of the buffer pointed to by the
             pFSAttBuf parameter. When the function returns, this variable
             contains the length of the data copied to the pFSAttBuf
ulReserved   Specifies a reserved value; must be zero.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value, which may be one of the following:
The DosQFSAttach function can be used to ensure that the correct file system
is loaded for a disk. Without this information, there is potential for the
data on the disk to be destroyed because the wrong file system could be
attached to the disk by default.
This example calls DosQFSAttach to get information about drive C, and then
displays the device and file-system names:
PSZ psz;
SEL sel;
DosAllocSeg(1024, &sel, SEG_NONSHARED); /* allocates buffer               */
if (!DosQFSAttach("c:", 0, FSAIL_QUERYNAME, MAKEP(sel, 0), &cb, 0L)) {
    pcb = MAKEP(sel, 2);               /* points to length of device name */
    psz = MAKEP(sel, 4);               /* points to device name           */
    VioWrtTTY(psz, *pcb, (HVIO) NULL); /* displays device name     */
    VioWrtTTY("\r\n", 2, 0L);
    psz += *pcb + 3;              /* adds null char. and name-length var. */
    pcb = (PUSHORT) (psz - 2);    /* points to length of name             */
    VioWrtTTY(psz, *pcb, (HVIO) NULL); /* displays file-system name       */
    VioWrtTTY("\r\n", 2, 0L);
See Also