fl.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Alphabetical List of FL Options
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─────Alphabetical List of FL Options────────────────────────────────────────
     Select any of the following for information on FL options:
     /?                            View compiler options info
     /4cc<string>                  Conditional compilation
     /4I{2 | 4}                    Default integer size
     /4{Y | N}{f | t | 6}          Source-file syntax
     /4{Y | N}{i | s | v | V}      Extensions
     /4{Y | N}a                    Make vars AUTOMATIC
     /4{Y | N}b                    Debug
     /4{Y | N}d                    Declarations
     /A{H | L | M | w}             Memory model
     /c                            Compile only, no link
     /D<name>[=text]               Define macro
     /F hexnumber                  Stack size
     /F{a | c | l | s | m}         Listing files
     /Fb[filename]                 Bound executable
     /Fe filename                  Executable file name
     /Fo filename                  Object file name
     /FP{a | c | i | c87 | i87}    Math library
     /F{r | R}[file]               Browser information
     /Fx[filename]                 Cross-reference file
     /G{0 | 1 | 2}                 80x86 instructions
     /G{e | s}                     Stack checking
     /Gt[number]                   Data size threshold
     /Gw                           Windows DLL
     /H number                     External name length
     /help                         FL help
     /I name                       Include-file path
     /L{c | p | r}                 Link compatibility-mode executable
     /link [options]               Link options and libraries
     /MA                           Set MASM option
     /M{D | T}                     DLL, multithread support
     /MW[number]                   Compile QuickWin .EXE
     /N{D | T} name                Segment name
     /O[{d|l|p|s|t|x|c}]           Optimization
     /S{s subtitle | t title}      Listing subtitle, title
     /S{l | p}[number]             Listing lines, pages
     /T{a | f} file                Disregard file extension
     /V string                     Version string
     /W{number}                    Warning level
     /X                            Ignore include-file paths
     /Z{d | i}                     Debugging information
     /Zl                           Default library information
     /Zp[n]                        Pack struct on n-byte boundary
     /Zs                           Syntax check only
     See Also: FL Options by Category
               FL Options: Description